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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Mayor Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to change the date to March 17, 2013, since the use <br />was unlikely to impact the neighbors during the winter month. <br />Richard Mireault, owner of Northside Construction, 15627 Forest Boulevard North, said the <br />sand Burr used to sandblast was the biggest problem. It was falling on his equipment, and he had <br />dealt with it long enough. <br />Rick stated that construction equipment is often exposed to dust. Council Member Weidt pointed out <br />that the silica sand Gusset Design was currently using was very abrasive to hydraulic equipment. <br />Vote on amendment: <br />All Nay <br />Motion failed. <br />Vote on motion: <br />Ayes: Weidt, Petryk, Klein, Haas, Miron <br />Nay: None <br />Motion carried. <br />New Regulations on Water Appropriations Permits and Water Reuse <br />Council member Chuck Haas requested this item be added to the agenda in preparation for the <br />upcoming Met Council Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee. Staff provided <br />the Council with the agenda for their next meeting on August 23, 2012. City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy and the Council discussed issues related to the regulations put forth by the Met Council <br />and the DNR, and the upcoming implementation of groundwater management areas. Discussion <br />included the permitting process for the new city well, White Bear Lake levels, public and private <br />wells, water conservation methods, water reuse projects, and development densities imposed on <br />the city. The Council generally agreed there are conflicting messages from the Metropolitan <br />Council and the DNR. Council Member Haas will bring the City's concerns to the Metropolitan <br />Area Water Supply Advisory meeting on August 23, 2012. <br />Discussion on Code Violations at 5818 Egg Lake Road <br />Staff has received a number of complaints concerning code violations at 5818 Egg Lake Road. <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear detailed these complaints supported by photos of the property. <br />Staff has been working with the property owner, who does not live on the property, in attempt to <br />bring the property into compliance. Specifically, there are junk vehicles, excessive exterior <br />storage and miscellaneous debris on the property as well as an illegal 720 -square foot garage <br />addition. The building exceeds the maximum garage size and height allowed by ordinance, and <br />it was constructed without a building permit. Staff recommended the Council authorize the City <br />Attorney to take necessary action to abate the nuisance. <br />City Attorney suggested providing one final request to the property owner for informal <br />cooperation prior to formal proceedings. <br />