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2012.10.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2012 CC Minutes
2012.10.15 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 15, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />neighborhood and will keep them up to date on the progress. No formal action was taken. <br />Review of Lions Park Master Plan <br />At the public workshop of September 26, 2012, final changes were recommended by <br />stakeholders to the Lions Park Master Plan. At their meeting of October 10, 2012, the Parks, <br />Recreation and Open Space Commission discussed the plan and would not recommend any <br />changes at this time. Parks Planner Shayla Syverson explained they are supportive of the plan <br />and would like to continue to work with the developer of the LaValle properties adjacent to <br />Lions Park on the recent proposal for park dedication and expansion of Lions Park. <br />Landscape Architect Amanda Prosser of WSB & Associates presented the Lions Park Master <br />Plan. The Council indicated that the plan incorporated many of the features that had been <br />discussed. The Council commented on the lack of parking and discussed their preference for <br />Fitzgerald Avenue to be a through street. <br />Council agreed to support the Master Plan and continue to work with the developers of the <br />LaValle property on dedicated parkland. No formal action was taken. <br />Discussion on Concept Plan for LaValle Property <br />Developer Bill Lentsch applied for approval of a concept plan for property located to the west of <br />Lions Park owned by Marvin LaValle. Community Development Intern Liz Hanson presented <br />the plan to the Council, which consists of three multi -family residential buildings. The buildings <br />would be an Assisted Living Facility, CommonBond affordable housing, and a Congregate Care <br />facility with a total of 244 units proposed. In lieu of paying the park dedication fee of $585,600, <br />the developer is proposing to dedicate approximately 3.5 acres for expansion of Lions Park. The <br />plan shows this area to include a storm water pond, which Council felt would not be a benefit to <br />Lions Park. City Engineer Jay Kennedy discussed storm water ponding and water reuse, and <br />how it could be looked at as a regional issue. Jay indicated that more information would be <br />needed on the site layout to provide other options. <br />The Council discussed road options. 147th Street could connect to Oneka Lake Boulevard, <br />Finale Avenue could be extended to Frenchman Road, and the portion of Finale Avenue between <br />Upper 146th Street and 147th Street could be eliminated. The developer commented that cost was <br />a concern to him and asked for the City to help find funding options for the road. Council noted <br />it was important how the roads would be laid out because it would be critical to the development <br />and access points for Lions Park and parking areas. <br />Council also discussed the proposed housing types. They generally supported the type of life <br />cycle housing outlined but had questions on the CommonBond facility. Bill Lentsch explained <br />there would be 45-55 affordable workforce housing units. Occupants must be employed and <br />pass a criminal background check. Rental would be subsidized according to their income. <br />Liz explained the Planning Commission, Parks Commission, and the EDA had all reviewed the <br />plan and generally supported it. City Administrator Bryan Bear stated that revisions would also <br />need to be made to the Parks Master Plan with the addition of any parkland. This was a concept <br />plan only. No formal action was taken. <br />
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