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2012.10.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2012 CC Minutes
2012.10.15 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 15, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />The City has received the pay request from North Valley, Inc for Victor Gardens 5th Addition for <br />a paving project within this incomplete development. Senior Engineer Technician Steve Duff <br />had reviewed the pay request and found it satisfactory for work completed on the project. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Pay Request from North Valley, Inc for <br />$21,725.43 for work completed on the Victor Gardens 5th Addition Paving Project. The City will <br />use proceeds from a Letter of Credit provided by the developer to make this payment. <br />Discussion on EDA Recommendation on CSAH 4/TH61 Roundabout Center Island Design <br />Staff has been working with MnDOT on a landscape design for the center island of the <br />roundabout at TH61 and CSAH 4 (170th Street). MnDOT has $10,000 in its budget for <br />construction of the roundabout for landscaping. At its October 8, 2012 meeting, the EDA <br />reviewed a landscape design and cost estimate. The EDA agreed that the type of plants in the <br />center island need to be drought tolerant because water is not available for irrigation and that the <br />area needs to be low maintenance. The EDA made a recommendation to the City Council to <br />continue working with MnDOT on the landscape design and type of plants, and the cost shall be <br />no more than $10,000 for the landscaping, which will be paid for my MnDOT. <br />City Planner Rachel Juba presented the center island design to the Council, which showed <br />coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses. The plants would be low - <br />growing so views will not be blocked. Rachel explained that MnDOT would maintain the island <br />for the first two years, and the City would be required to maintain it after that. The Council <br />agreed with the EDA that the plants needed to be drought and salt tolerant. Council also <br />discussed seeking the input of master gardeners in the area and knowledgeable City Staff. <br />Hass made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the EDA's recommendation for the center island <br />design for the roundabout at TH61 and CSAH 4 (170th Street North) with all costs to be paid for <br />by MnDOT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on NRI Transition Plan <br />Staff has been working with the owner of National Recycling, Inc. (NRI) Rick Mark on NRI's <br />transition plan. City Administrator Bryan Bear updated the Council on recent progress at NRI. <br />Bryan presented pictures showing the back of the site where grading was being done for the <br />building pads. NRI has also begun work on the driveway and fencing in the front of the site. <br />Bryan stated that the City has accepted construction plans and issued permits. Permits have also <br />been issued by the MN Pollution Control Agency and Department of Transportation. <br />The piles of scrap were slowly decreasing and being sorted. Mayor Fran Miron, Council <br />Member Phil Klein, and City Administrator Bryan Bear recently met with NRI owner Rick <br />Mark. Rick had informed them that the lack of available rail cars was impeding the removal of <br />the scrap. John Gohmann from MN Commercial Railroad was contacted and he acknowledged <br />there was a shortage of scrap cars. John committed to work with the the railroad's operations <br />department to make more cars available to NRI. Bryan Bear also said he had spoke with the <br />Braham City Administrator who informed Bryan that they were looking at using the Braham rail <br />spur for loading additional scrap. The Mayor stated that he appreciated the patience of the <br />
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