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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />The Council discussed how the City should charge for staff and equipment time. Council also <br />talked about whether participation from the Fire Department should be expected or voluntary. <br />Bryan explained the difference between the Fire Department and the Relief Association, who are <br />separate from the City and volunteer their time, usually receiving a donation in return. The <br />Council agreed that staff/fire department involvement in events not sponsored by the City should <br />be paid for by the event holder. <br />Mayor Miron excused Honorary Mayor Jacob Michelson from the dais, and thanked the Scouts <br />for attending the meeting. The Mayor called for a five minute recess. <br />The Council discussed amending the fee schedule to include charges that could be based on <br />whether the event was a non-profit or for-profit event, and the number of participants at the <br />event. It was agreed that the City needed to attract and welcome special events into the City, and <br />the City should be compensated for their involvement. The Council also questioned how often <br />the Fire Department was requested to participate at special events. Staff will continue to <br />evaluate the Special Event Permit process and report back to the Council. No formal action was <br />taken. <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network (YRN) activities held recently. Council Member Haas presented pictures taken <br />at the Welcome Home Hunt held at Wild Wings on October 20-21, 2012. This hunt is held to <br />recognize the sacrifices of soldiers who miss the regular hunting season while serving overseas. <br />A packaging event is being held on Saturday, November 10, 2012 for care packages to be sent <br />overseas; donations are welcome. The YRN recently assisted a family who was living in a rental <br />unit that was being condemned. The YRN helped a veteran transport their horse to the vet. The <br />next Hamburger Night is November 28, 2012 and is being hosted by the HBA. Flowers will be <br />provided by Leben's Floral. <br />Update on Metropolitan Council Water Supply Advisory Board <br />Council Member Chuck Haas recently attended a meeting of the Metropolitan Council Water <br />Supply Advisory Board and provided an update to the Council. Haas spoke about the discussion <br />on DNR water permits and the conflicting Metropolitan Council's residential requirements. Haas <br />also talked about the studies and data compiled by the Board and the water depth of White Bear <br />Lake. <br />Discussion on Speed Sign on Everton Avenue <br />Mayor Fran Miron was contacted by property owner Dee Davis regarding the speed sign located <br />in front of her property on Everton Avenue and was requesting it be removed. City <br />Administrator Bryan Bear confirmed the sign was in the right-of-way, and information from the <br />sign showed 1-2 % of drivers are exceeding the speed limit by more than 17 mph. There has <br />been increased patrol in the area, and Rick Gwynn, 12277 Ethan Avenue North, stated that it has <br />helped. Council Member Petryk stated the Washington County Sheriff Department can be called <br />with specific times and identification of speeding vehicles, and they will monitor at that time. <br />