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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 4, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />MODEL AND CLASSIC MOTOR VEHICLE SALES BUSINESS FOR THE PROPERY <br />LOCATED AT 15775 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH. <br />Approve Snow Removal Policy for City Sidewalks and Trails <br />At the 2011 Hugo City Council Goal Setting Session held on January 18, 2011, Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson provided Council with a report on issues and concerns related to snow <br />removal on the City's sidewalks and trails. Scott provided Council with both a time and cost <br />estimate for removal of snow on recommended main trails and sidewalks. City staff has prepared <br />the City's first-ever snow removal policy for City sidewalks and trails. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the City's snow removal policy for select sidewalks and trails within the City <br />of Hugo and to further direct staff to post on the City's website with distribution to appropriate <br />businesses and residents. <br />Approve Purchase of 5160 Bobcat Skid Steer <br />At the January 18, 2011 City Council Goal Setting Session, Public Works Director Scott <br />Anderson presented Council with a plan for the removal of snow from select City sidewalks and <br />trails. During this presentation, equipment needs were discussed. The City's current T-300 <br />Bobcat skid -loader is too wide to perform snow removal on most City sidewalks. In addition to <br />snow removal, the current summer workload of the Public Works Department justifies the <br />purchase of a second skid -loader in addition to the larger existing skid -loader. Therefore, staff <br />recommends purchase of a smaller S 160 Bobcat skid -loader to perform sidewalk snow removal <br />as well as street repairs, park improvements and general Public Works projects. Staff has <br />reviewed this with the Finance Director and the funds are available for the purchase of this <br />equipment. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of an S 160 Bobcat and 60" <br />snow blower attachment from Tri-State Bobcat in the amount of $34,358.17. <br />Approve Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Parks Plan Update <br />At its March 24, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of application <br />to the Metropolitan Council for an amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The <br />amendment was recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission to change <br />Table 7-1: City of Hugo Local Public Parks. Irish Avenue Park, a 125 acre passive park is <br />proposed to be added. Also, Rice Lake Park is proposed to be listed as a passive park of 45 <br />acres, instead of 70 acres. The remaining 25 acres is now the Hanifl Fields Athletic Park, an <br />active park, which shall also be added to the list. These updates in the Parks Plan are being <br />recommended because of new park rules in the Public Conduct in Parks Ordinance. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2011-7 APPROVING A COMPRHENSIVE <br />PLAN AMENDMENT CHANGING TEXT ON TABLE 7-1: CITY OF HUGO LOCAL <br />PUBLIC PARKS and MAP 2-A: EXISTING PARKS AND OPEN SPACE. <br />Approve Recommendation from EDA for Donation to Hugo Business Association and Co - <br />Sponsorship of Hugo Kidz -n -Biz Fest <br />At its February 14, 2011 meeting, the Hugo Economic Development Authority (EDA) listened to <br />a presentation from City Administrator Mike Ericson regarding the City's interest in co- <br />sponsoring the 7th Annual Hugo Kids -n -Biz Fest with the Hugo Business Association (HBA). <br />After discussion, the EDA agreed to recommend to the City Council the co-sponsorship and <br />