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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 18, 2011 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />Approve Special Event Permit for 2nd Annual Sarah's Daisy Dash 5K Fun Run/Walk on <br />Saturday, June 4, 2011— Elena Reicher <br />A year ago last January, a tragic event let to the organization of the first Sarah's Daisy Dash by <br />the friends of Sarah Condon Mitzuk to commemorate her life and spirit. Jill Rosenthal and Elena <br />Reicher along with race organizers from Tri Fitness have been working with City staff on a <br />Special Event Permit for use of Lions Park and the Hardwood Creek trail to hold the 2nd Annual <br />Sarah's Daisy Dash and 5K Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, June 4, 2011. Elena Reicher and many <br />friends and supporters attended the Council meeting to raise public awareness about the event. <br />Elena reported that last year over 350 people attended the 5K Run/Walk event and over $11,000 <br />was raised for the scholarship of Sarah's five-year old son Mike. This year's event will cost $25 <br />before May 21 and $30 after that date, and all proceeds will go to the Allina Hospice Foundation. <br />Pre registration is encouraged and forms can be found at Tri -Fitness, Dunn Bros. Coffee, Hugo <br />City Hall, or on their website at Donations can be sent to Sarah's <br />Daisy Dash, P.O. Box 33, Hugo, MN 55038. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the Special Event Permit for the 2nd Annual <br />Sarah's Daisy Dash 5K Fun Run/Walk as well as the half -mile Kids Race scheduled for <br />Saturday, June 4, 2011. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve 2011 Grant Award from FEMA and MN Homeland Security for Tornado Sirens <br />At its February 22, 2011 meeting, the Hugo City Council approved a revision the commitment of <br />funds agreement with Minnesota Homeland Security and FEMA for the purchase and installation <br />of eight new tornado sirens. The revision was necessary in order to complete the grant <br />application. The City of Hugo has received official notification from FEMA, through the <br />Minnesota Department of Homeland Security, that the City of Hugo has been awarded a cost <br />share grant in the amount of $117,914.00 with the remaining 25 percent provided by the City of <br />Hugo. Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields explained the City currently has five <br />sirens, and the plan is to replace one and add eight additional sirens with this grant. This would <br />provide coverage over the entire City. City Administrator Mike Ericson informed the public <br />about Severe Weather Awareness Week, which is held annually by the MN Department of <br />Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. This year, Severe <br />Weather Awareness Week for 2011 took place on April 11-15 with Tornado Drill Day on <br />Thursday, April 14. Mayor Fran Miron presented a check in the amount of $117,914 to Fire <br />Chief Jim Compton, Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Colvard, and Community Development Assistant <br />Dennis Fields, who prepared the grant. <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to officially accept the award on behalf of the citizens of <br />Hugo for the tornado siren grant from MN Homeland Security and FEMA. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />