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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 18, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Report on Fire at Glamos Wire on April 16, 2011 and Vehicular Accident on April 17, 2011 <br />Staff added this to the agenda to provide Council an update on the fire at Glamos Wire, 5561 <br />152"d Street North around 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 17, 2011. Fire Chief Jim Compton stated <br />the Hugo Fire Department responded along with mutual aid from White Bear Lake and Forest <br />Lake with Centennial backup at the Fire Hall, but the building was a complete loss. Mayor Miron <br />stated this fire has a substantial impact on the business, and the Mayor informed the Council he, <br />Community Development Director Bryan Bear, and City Administrator Mike Ericson had met <br />with the Glamos family earlier that day and talked about the immediate needs of the business, <br />providing them with some short/long term lease possibilities within the City. City Assessor <br />Frank Langer will be working with the Glamos family on tax abatement and staff will be <br />working with the family on cost associated with rebuilding. The cause of the fire may have been <br />electrical, but it is still under investigation. <br />Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Colvard also updated Council on a three car vehicular accident on 147th <br />and TH61 on the morning of Sunday, April 17. A car traveling southbound wandered into the <br />northbound lane, side -swiping a vehicle traveling north and traveling head-on into another <br />vehicle. Two victims needed to be extricated from their vehicles. The northbound lane of TH61 <br />was closed for several hours. There were no fatalities. <br />Metropolitan Council Representative Sandy Rummel <br />At its March 7, 2011 meeting, the Hugo City Council acknowledged the appointment of former <br />State Senator Sandra Rummel by Governor Dayton as the new representative of the White Bear <br />Lake/Hugo District. City staff was directed to send a congratulatory letter to Sandy Rummel and <br />extend an invitation to Sandy to attend a City Council meeting in order to introduce her to the Hugo <br />residents and business owners. Rummel attended this Council meeting and explained she was the <br />District 11 representative for cities from Forest Lake to Oakdale. She is the chair of the <br />Environmental Services Committee and serves on the Community Development Committee. Sandy <br />has a strong interest in water quality and usage policies and has worked on the Senate Environment <br />Committee and Clean Water Legacy Subcommittee. Sandy expressed an interest in working with <br />local governments and asked the Council to think about what the Metropolitan Council can do for <br />the City and what the Met Council could do better. Sandra stated the Met Council staff would be <br />working with the City on the sewer fees and the City's next Comprehensive Plan. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Community Development Director Bryan Bear <br />Approval of 2 A.M. Liquor License for Sal's Angus Grill <br />Approve Change Order No. 3 and 4 for 147th Street/TH61 Intersection Improvement Project <br />Approve Purchase of Playground Equipment from St. Croix Recreation for Hanifl Athletic Park <br />Approve Purchase of Playground Equipment from Flagship Recreation for Heritage Ponds Park <br />Approve 3.2 Temporary Beer License for Good Neighbor Days June 9-12, 2011 <br />Approve Restoration of 1939 Fire Truck by the Hugo Firefighters Relief Association <br />