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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting on May 16, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Update on Lake Air/Bald Eagle Estates Neighborhood Meeting on April 21, 2011 <br />On Thursday, April 21, 2011, City staff held a meeting with residents living in the Lake Air/Bald <br />Eagle Estates neighborhood at their request. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff, City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy, Public Works Director Scott Anderson, and City Administrator Mike <br />Ericson attended the meeting, and they were joined later by Mayor Fran Miron and Council <br />Member Becky Petryk who earlier attended the Board of Equalization meeting. Council <br />Member Becky Petryk, in whose ward the residents reside, stated at the meeting that the issue <br />should be brought back to the full City Council in order for the Council and public to be apprised <br />of the survey results. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained the roadway reconstruction project <br />is included as a Capital Improvement Project, and would include Lake Air Estates and Falcon <br />Avenue as a rural section roads, and Bald Eagle Estates as urban section roads. The residents are <br />currently served by City sewer and private wells. Most of the residents who attended previous <br />meetings in October and December agreed the roadways were in poor condition but there was <br />very little support for installation of City water with cost/benefit cited as the primary issue. A <br />leadership group formed, and they conducted their own survey with similar results as the one the <br />City had conducted. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided the pros and cons of three options: do <br />nothing, roadway and water project, and roadway project only. <br />Mike Proulx, 5043 124th Street North, and Don Dumer, 4950 126th Street North, spoke to the <br />Council as representative of the leadership group stating reason for not wanting a water project <br />was because the cost of bringing water into the home was not justified by the benefit. They did <br />agree the road was in poor condition, and said the consensus of the neighborhood was to do a <br />road only project. <br />It was agreed by Council that the uniqueness of the neighborhood may merit the exclusion of <br />municipal water. It was noted that the easements would allow the water to be installed at a later <br />date, but the most cost effective time would be now. The Council discussed at length a road only <br />project and their desire that residents be aware that if their wells should fail, it would be the <br />responsibility of the homeowner. Should the municipal water project be done in the future, <br />property owners would be subject to the assessment policy at that time. Council wanted to make <br />it clear that the residents would be taking that risk. <br />Mayor Fran Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to schedule another <br />neighborhood meeting to discuss a road -only project. <br />All Ayes. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy conferred with residents in the lobby, and later provided meeting <br />dates to Council for consideration. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to schedule a Lake Air/Bald Eagle Estates Neighborhood <br />meeting June 23, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Hugo City Hall. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />