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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 5, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />City staff prepared ordinance revisions that allow the City to contract with a private licensed <br />master electrician to perform the necessary electrical inspections. The code amendments involve <br />adoption of the National Electrical Code and allow the City to administer the code by issuing <br />permits, collecting fees, and requiring inspections. Staff has created the proper forms and has <br />integrated the process into the City's computer permit issuing software. Upon adoption by the <br />Council, the City will be able to issue permits and conduct inspections in accordance with state <br />and national codes, without reliance of the State of Minnesota. The Council agreed it was a good <br />idea to issue electrical permits at the City level. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 2011— 456 <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE II, SECTIONS 23 AND SECTIONS 25 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE TO INCUDE THE <br />NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Klein, Haas, Weidt, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve Contract with Dave Kichler Inspections Inc to Perform Electrical Inspections <br />Within the City of Hugo <br />Currently, Dave Kichler works as a contract employee with the State of Minnesota to conduct <br />electrical inspections as required by the National Electrical Code. The state collects all permit <br />fees related to electrical inspections. The State keeps 30% of the fee and passes 70% on to the <br />inspector. This is a standard practice used by other Cities and other electrical inspectors. <br />Community Development Director Bryan Bear explained that staff has included the same <br />formula in the draft contract. City staff is pleased with the work performed by Mr. Kichler, who <br />provides timely inspections and good customer service, and would like to retain his services on <br />behalf of the City. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, approve the contract with the minor changes made by the <br />City Attorney. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Yellow Ribbon Network Activities <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network activities held recently. Council Member Haas informed Council there will be a <br />pre -deployment picnic on Sunday, July 10 at Fort McCoy. The Hugo and Stillwater YRNs have <br />raised enough money to rent three busses to transport military families to this event. The Hugo Feed <br />Mill has donated a mower and volunteers have donated their time to mow the lawns of those military <br />families in need. At the next Hugo City Council meeting on July 18, 2011, the Minnesota National <br />Guard's ESGR program will present a business award to the Eckberg Lammers law firm for all the <br />help they provide the Hugo YRN as well as other networks in Washington County. Council Member <br />Klein reminded everyone the next Hamburger Night at the Hugo Legion will be on July 27, 2011 <br />and sponsored by WSB & Associates. Hamburger Night in August will be sponsored by the Hugo <br />Lions Club. <br />