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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 5, 2011 <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />Discussion of Trees on CSAH 8 and Response to Demand for Payment and Claim of <br />Potential Litigation as Announced by Subcontractor <br />At its June 20, 2011 meeting, the Hugo City Council discussed the condition of the trees that are <br />planted along the boulevards on CSAH 8. Last week, Public Works Director Scott Anderson and <br />Council Member Chuck Haas held a meeting with the general contractor and the tree subcontractor <br />to discuss the condition of the trees. The Council was to enter into Executive Session to discuss the <br />response to the demand for payment and claim of potential litigation as announced by subcontractor; <br />however, City Attorney said this was not necessary. The Council discussed their options. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to withhold payment to the contractor and utilize the money to <br />move forward with a satisfactory replacement of the trees. <br />Ayes: Klein, Haas, Weidt, Petryk, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Haas also referred to a report done by a forester which identified what needed to be done to address <br />the remedial care of the trees and he requested staff look into it. <br />Adjournment <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau <br />City Clerk <br />