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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 18, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Approve Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Development Grant <br />Application for Former Stock Lumber Site <br />There are grants available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities <br />Demonstration Account (LCDA) for redevelopment projects. Pete Sampair, owner of property <br />on the southwest corner of 145th Street North and CSAH 61, has asked for help from the City to <br />apply for the available grants. Staff has been working with Mr. Sampair on a Pre -Development <br />Grant for planning of the redevelopment of the property. The proposed activities include <br />surveying the property, preliminary redevelopment plans, stormwater management studies, soil <br />testing, and updating a market study for downtown. The City will be the applicant on the grant <br />as required by the Met Council. If the grant is approved, a grant agreement will be completed <br />between the City and the Met Council that will outline the requirements for the reimbursement. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2011-17 IDENTIFYING THE <br />NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND <br />AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Jeff Maas <br />Jeff Maas was hired by the City of Hugo on July 24, 2006 as a Public Works Worker and has <br />worked for five years in the Public Works Department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the annual performance review for Public Works Worker Jeff Maas. <br />Approve Resolution Removing Parcels in Bald Eagle Industrial Park from the Tax <br />Increment Financing District <br />During the 2011 budget process, City staff proposed the administrative elimination of 40 of the <br />41 parcels from the Bald Eagle Tax Increment District. This action will add over $586,000 in <br />tax capacity for pay 2012. These parcels can be eliminated without the need for a public hearing. <br />Staff has prepared a resolution for Council consideration that directs Washington County to <br />decertify and remove these parcels for TIF District No. 1-1. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved RESOLUTION 2011-18 AUTHORIZING REMOVAL AND DECERTIFICATION <br />OF CERTAIN PARCELS FROM THE CITY'S TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-1. <br />Approve New Master Joint Powers Agreement with Minnesota Department of Public <br />Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder is requesting that the City of Hugo enter into a Joint Powers <br />Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension <br />(BCA). This agreement allows Eckberg Lammers Law Firm to access the BCA's Minnesota <br />Criminal Justice Data Communication Network on behalf of the City of Hugo. This network <br />provides data that will benefit the City's attorneys at Eckberg Lammers. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the Joint Powers Agreement with Minnesota Department of Public <br />Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. <br />