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2011.07.18 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2011 CC Minutes
2011.07.18 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 18, 2011 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />Approve Resignation of Parks Commissioner Derek Larsen and Advertise for Replacement <br />Staff has received a letter of resignation from Parks Commissioner Derek Larsen. The City <br />Council appointed Derek as a Parks Commissioner at its January 20, 2009 meeting. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Parks Commissioner Derek Larsen and <br />publically thanked him for his years of dedicated service to the citizens of Hugo, and directed <br />City staff to advertise for the vacancy on the Parks Commission. <br />Discussion on Irish Avenue Park Committee <br />At the June 20, 2011 meeting of the City Council, a presentation was heard from Gary Wilson and <br />Dave Percival proposing multi-purpose cross country running course at Irish Avenue Park. <br />Discussions included potential partnerships with Percival, Wilson, residents, Washington County <br />and other stakeholders to master plan the park in a way that would bring the greatest benefit to <br />residents/ tax payers. Council had directed staff to form a subcommittee to work with Gary <br />Wilson and Dave Percival in master planning Irish Avenue Park, and the City Council listed <br />potential stakeholders and expressed concern over the size of the committee. It was requested that <br />the committee be made up of 7-9 members. Planner Shayla Syverson said she understood the <br />duties of the committee are to develop an understanding as to the improvements that would need to <br />be made such as parking and access, how and when residents would become involved in the <br />planning process, potential timeline for improvements, and how the park was currently being used. <br />A Memorandum of Understanding could be developed to establish expectations if needed. Shayla <br />recommended the Committee be made of Parks Commissioners Dave Strub and Jim Taylor, a <br />Planning Commissioner, two City Council Members, a resident, as well as Gary Wilson and/or <br />David Percival. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to appoint Council Members Haas and Weidt to serve on the <br />Irish Avenue Park Committee, with Councilmember Weidt serving as chair of the Committee. <br />Staff members of the Committee would be Planner Shayla Syverson and/or Public Works Director <br />Scott Anderson. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />A resident member and the two Planning Commissioners will be appointed at the next City <br />Council Meeting. Gary Wilson was present and he requested the first meeting of the Committee <br />be held at the site. The Council agreed to this. <br />Update on Lake Air Estates/Bald Eagle Estates Proposed Street Improvement Prosect <br />On June 23, 2011, the Hugo City Council and staff held a neighborhood meeting with residents in <br />the Lake Air Estates/Bald Eagle Estates neighborhoods to discuss a potential street reconstruction <br />project. Many residents were in attendance along with Council Members Weidt, Petryk, Klein, <br />and Mayor Miron. It had been decided at the May 16, 2011 City Council meeting the project <br />would consist of street improvements only. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained to the Council <br />the estimated cost of the project would be $850,000 with funding from assessments, City funds, <br />and potential grants. It was estimated the Bald Eagle Estates residents will be assessed <br />approximately $4,100/unit and the Lake Air Estates residents would be approximately $3,400/unit <br />with one townhome unit at $67.88/front footage. Jay explained the plan was to hold the public <br />hearing on the project in October 2011 with construction planned for May -August 2012. <br />
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