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2011.07.18 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2011 CC Minutes
2011.07.18 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 18, 2011 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />ditches, and putting down more gravel. He posted a 15 mph sign and has told his vendors to <br />drive slowly on the driveway. <br />Council Member Klein asked how late he ran the business. Terry stated he works until about 8 <br />o'clock p.m. <br />Vince Niemczyk, 17233 Henna Avenue North, said the shared driveway was constructed over 30 <br />years ago, was built to City specifications and is well maintained. Vince felt it would be a <br />disservice to the community to not let Terry Luedeke continue to work from his property. <br />Joe Niemczyk, 7666 170th Street North, said Terry was a good asset to the farming community. <br />Art Luedeke, father of the applicant, attested to Terry's hard work, honesty, and fairness to his <br />customers. He said Terry is an asset to the community. <br />Brent Husfeldt, 7495 195th Street North, Forest Lake, stated that Terry was irreplaceable as a <br />mechanic. He has known Terry for 10-15 years, and Terry was honest, hardworking, and has <br />made positive changes to the property. <br />John Lutz, 8050 157th Street North, said it was hard to get farm equipment fixed locally, and it <br />would be a big disservice to not give him a chance. <br />Mike Rokala, 17657 Henna Avenue North, stated he has been in his home (directly adjacent to <br />the north of the Luedke property) for six years. Since Terry has been running the business, <br />traffic has increased. He is also bothered by lights in his windows at all hours due to semi trucks <br />turning around in the driveway. <br />Art Luedeke said he owns semis and has been able pull into Terry's drive without shining the <br />lights on Mike's home. Art also stated that Terry bought this property, which was foreclosed on, <br />and he has done a lot of work to clean it up. <br />Joe Wewers said he has planted thirty eight 14-18 foot spruce trees on the property and could <br />plant more except maple trees would need to be removed. He said he has known the Luedeke <br />family for a long time, and he supported the small business. Joe said he felt the Council should <br />give Terry an opportunity; small businesses needed to start somewhere. <br />Frank Puleo, 6375 165th Street North, was on the City Council at the time the Home Occupation <br />Ordinance was adopted, and was on the committee that drafted the ordinance. Frank said the <br />applicant met the intent and spirit of the ordinance. The IUP is a way to give the property owner <br />reasonable use of their property with restrictions and a renewal process. Frank said it was a clean <br />operation and the sign should be allowed. <br />Council Member Weidt, who was also on the committee, said he didn't envision three people on <br />a shared driveway when drafting the home occupation ordinance. <br />Joanne Benick, resident of Scandia who owns a small farm, spoke about having children in <br />activities, and how many vehicle trips that alone requires. Joanne said Terry has helped maintain <br />their farm, business, and family vehicles. He was a good citizen and community member. <br />
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