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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 18, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2011-19 ORDERING THE <br />PREPARATION OF A FEASABLITY REPORT FOR 124TH STREET NORTH, 124TH <br />STREET COURT NORTH, 124TH STREET CIRCLE NORTH, EUROPA AVENUE, FALCON <br />AVENUE, FALCON COURT NORTH, GALLIVAN COURT NORTH, AND 126TH STREET <br />NORTH ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Haas, Klein, Weidt, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Home Occupation Interim Use Permit for Terry Luedeke for Auto Repair Business <br />At its June 23, 2011, meeting the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the home <br />occupation interim use permit (IUP) requested by Terry Luedeke, 17627 Henna Avenue North. <br />Terry was requesting an IUP for a home occupation to run a motor vehicle repair business from <br />his property. Other than the applicant, there are no other employees of the business. The <br />applicant shares a gravel driveway, which extends approximately 1/4 mile from Henna Avenue, <br />with two other property owners. Staff had presented the request to the Planning Commission and <br />they recommended denial of the home occupation interim use permit. There were four people <br />that spoke during the public hearing, including the applicant. The main concerns were the traffic <br />on the shared driveway and the exterior storage of vehicles and equipment due to the operation <br />of the business. Since then, the applicant has removed the business sign and planted trees to <br />screen the exterior storage. The Planning Commission had stated that the business seems <br />successful and has potential to grow. They thought that it may be time to move the business to an <br />appropriate location that is zoned for the use. The Planning Commission had made a <br />recommendation to the City Council for denial of the home occupation interim use permit and <br />recommended a neighborhood meeting with the applicant before the City Council meeting. The <br />denial was based on a vote 5-l. Staff has prepared a resolution for denial of the IUP as well as <br />one for approval and a draft IUP. <br />Mayor Miron passed the gavel over to Acting Mayor Petryk stating he had business dealings <br />with the applicant in the past, and he sat in the audience. <br />Planner Rachel Juba provided background information on the request to the Council and showed <br />recent improvements such as removal of the sign and installation of spruce trees for screening. <br />Acting Mayor Petryk questioned the shared drive, and Rachel responded that it was unclear how <br />the driveway was maintained. <br />Councilmember Klein noted that the screening is there now, and in these economic times there <br />should be support for small businesses. <br />Acting Mayor Petryk asked if there were any comments from the public. <br />Applicant Terry Luedeke showed pictures of the landscaping that had been added to strategically <br />block from neighboring view the activities on the site. Terry indicated he does a lot of work on <br />farm equipment and often works off-site. He said the shared driveway was built by Joe Rosse, <br />who lives at 17717 Henna Avenue North, and they take turns blading, plowing, mowing the <br />