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2011.08.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2011 CC Minutes
2011.08.01 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 1, 2011 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Approve Property Line Adiustment and Minor Subdivision for Elsie Jasinski on 177th <br />Street North <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a property line adjustment and a minor subdivision. The <br />property line adjustment will move a shared property line on a 9.7 acre parcel and a 26.45 acre <br />parcel to create a 16.05 acre parcel and a 20.1 acre parcel. The minor subdivision will split the <br />20.1 acre parcel into two parcels, a 10.04 acre parcel and a 10.06 acre parcel. It's in staff's <br />opinion that the request meets all the items required for a property line adjustment and minor <br />subdivision. At its July 28, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission considered the requests and <br />recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2011-21 <br />APPROVING A PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR ELSIE JASINSKI FOR PROPERTY <br />GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF GREYSTONE AVENUE AND SOUTH OF 177TH <br />STREET and RESOLUTION 2011-22 APPROVING A MINOR SUBDIVISION FOR ELSIE <br />JASINSKI FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF GREYSTONE AVENUE <br />AND SOUTH OF 177TH STREET. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Commercial and Industrial Design Guidelines <br />Over the past several months, a subcommittee has been working on the creation of the <br />commercial and industrial design guidelines. The guidelines include text and graphics to provide <br />developers with further direction on the desire for quality commercial and industrial <br />development. The subcommittee stated that they wanted the guidelines to be subjective to allow <br />a developer to be creative when meeting the intent of the guidelines. The guidelines encourage <br />quality development by providing direction on building design, color, and material. They also <br />provide direction on other aspects of the development such as signage, screening and lighting. <br />The guidelines allow flexibility for industrial development in the strict application of four-sided <br />architecture, screening, and building footprint. There are also exceptions for properties that are <br />not serviced by City sewer and water and have potential for redevelopment.. At its July 28, 2011 <br />meeting, the Planning Commission considered the guidelines at a public hearing and <br />recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2011-23 <br />APPROVING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. <br />Approve Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance for Section 90-272 Commercial and <br />Industrial Construction Standards <br />There are Commercial and Industrial Construction Standards within the City Code that regulate <br />the types of materials that are allowed for commercial and industrial buildings. Staff is not <br />proposing the guidelines to be an ordinance, but required for compliance as part of the <br />construction standards. This will include a zoning ordinance amendment to the construction <br />standards that state the guidelines also shall be met. At its July 28, 2011 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission considered the zoning text amendment at a public hearing and recommended <br />approval to the Council of the zoning text amendment to the commercial and industrial <br />construction standards. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved ORDINANCE 2011-457 <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 90 ZONING AND LAND USE, ARTICLE VI, SECTION 90-272 <br />COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. <br />
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