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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2011 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to amend the motion to approve the Lions Park Master <br />Plan Development Guidelines and direct staff to send it back to the Parks Commission to let <br />them decided if they wanted to seek cost estimates and designs for the park. <br />All Ayes on amended motion. Motion carried. <br />Reschedule Interviews for the Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and Board of <br />Zoning Adiustments Vacancies <br />At the November 7, 2011 meeting, the Council scheduled the interviews for the vacancies on the <br />Parks Commission, Planning Commission, and the Board of Zoning Adjustments for Tuesday, <br />November 22, 2011. Staff has found that some applicants will not be available on that day. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule the interviews for Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at <br />7:00 p.m. with a back up date for Thursday, December 1, 2011. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network activities held recently. Haas recently met Traci and Lori Tapani, part owners <br />in Wyoming Machine, who were the April Hamburger Night sponsors. The 834th Aviation <br />Support Battalion of the Minnesota National Guard held a gathering on Saturday, November 19, <br />2011, at the American Legion. Hickory donated food and the Hugo Fireflies provided desserts. <br />Five cities received 2011 Sea of Goodwill Awards given by Homeward Deployed which assists <br />the deployed and their families after they return home. The Hugo Yellow Ribbon Task Force <br />won the Honorable Mention award. Birch Landscaping will be hosting the next Hamburger <br />Night on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at the Hugo American Legion. <br />Recognition of Mike Ericson <br />Council Member Petryk added this to the agenda to recognize the resignation of Hugo City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson. Earlier this evening, Council approved the resolution recognizing <br />Mike for his 11 years of working with the City, which Council Member Petryk read after Editor <br />of The Citizen read a portion of an article about Mike that was in the paper. Former City Clerk <br />Mary Ann Creager, who was in attendance, said a few kind words about Mike. <br />Discussion on Irish Avenue <br />Council Member Haas added this item to the agenda to discuss the condition of the portion of Irish <br />Avenue just north of CSAH8. This portion is paved and in very bad condition. Haas had spoken to <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson who agreed the upkeep on this roadway was a problem, and <br />the gravel portion of Irish Avenue was in much better condition. The Public Works Department was <br />working on prioritizing the roads for repair in the City, and the Council will be reviewing the data <br />