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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />discussed the appointment of Rick Gwynn as the new chair of the Planning Commission. The <br />Council publicly thanks both Rick Gwynn and Bronwen Kleissler for their interest in serving as <br />the chair. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved appointment of Rick Gwynn as the new <br />chair of the Planning Commission. <br />Approve Sale of Damaged 2008 Ford F550 Truck <br />In September 2011, the Public Works Department's 2008 F550 dump truck was involved in an <br />accident and was totaled by the insurance company. The City was given the option to purchase <br />the truck back for $6,000. At its October 17, 2011 meeting, the Council authorized Hugo City <br />staff to advertise for sealed bids for the sale of the 2008 Ford F550 one ton truck. Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson received seven bids with the high bid being $9,600. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the sale of the one ton 2008 Ford F550 truck to Southwind <br />Landscaping for the amount of $9,600. <br />Approve Re -appointment of David K. Snyder as City Attorney with the Law Offices of <br />Johnson and Turner, P.A. <br />City staff has received a letter from the Eckberg Lammers firm indicating that City Attorney <br />David Snyder has decided to leave Eckberg Lammers and will join Johnson and Turner, P.A. and <br />operate out of their Forest Lake office. The City has a right to choose between retaining the <br />services of Mr. Snyder under his new firm, or keeping with the Eckberg Lammers firm, in which <br />case the City would be assigned a new attorney after the first of the year. After receiving the <br />letter, City staff contacted Mr. Snyder who has confirmed that he is willing to continue to <br />provide a similar level of service at the same rates. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the reappointment of David K. Snyder as City Attorney with the law offices of Johnson and <br />Turner, P.A, and instructed that all files be transferred to him. <br />Approve Lions Park Master Plan Development Guidelines <br />Parks Planner Shayla Syverson explained to Council a public workshop on the development of <br />Lions Park was held on September 27, 2011 where a visual preference survey was conducted. <br />Participants were asked to rank fifty different images, which included a variety of park uses and <br />features. Another workshop was held on October 18, 2011 where residents discussed goals and <br />guidelines for future development. At their November 9, 2011 meeting, the Parks, Recreation, <br />and Open Space Commission discussed the Lions Park Master Plan Development Guidelines and <br />recommended approval to the Council. <br />The Council generally liked the plan which includes guidelines to ensure the park is safe and <br />functional, emphasizes Hugo's country charm and character through design, offers unique <br />recreational facilities and attractions, and builds community spirit by providing a place for <br />events. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded to direct staff to develop cost estimates and designs for the <br />park. <br />