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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2011 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />Update on Parks Commission <br />At their November 9 and December 11, 2011 meetings, the Parks, Recreation and Open Space <br />Commission discussed recreation programming for 2012. Parks Planner Shayla Syverson <br />explained that over the past several years, the Parks Commission has been building partnerships <br />with several organizations to expand recreation opportunities for Hugo residents such as the <br />White Bear Lake Soccer Club, Hugo Lions Club, and the Hugo Fireflies. The Parks <br />Commission is recommending several programs to be continued in 2012 as well as the addition <br />of fitness classes, geocaching activities, and roving recreation programs in the neighborhood <br />parks. Upcoming events include Movie Nights and Snow Jam at the Oneka Elementary School <br />and the Sledding Parry in February at Oakshore Park. No formal action was taken. <br />Update on Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Grant <br />At its July 18, 2011 meeting, the Council approved the application for grant funds available <br />through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) for <br />redevelopment projects. Staff worked with Pete Sampair, owner of property on the southwest <br />corner of 145th Street North and T.H. 61, on this grant to assist in the planning for the <br />redevelopment of the property. At its December 14, 2011 meeting, the Met Council approved <br />the LCDA Grant. Planner Rachel Juba explained this grant will support activities that lay the <br />groundwork for successful development implementation such as survey work, soil borings, <br />preliminary stormwater design, and updating of the Market Study. City Administrator Bryan <br />Bear explained this was a matching grant, and Sampair would pay the City's portion, not the <br />City. If it goes well, another grant could be applied for to assist in the development work. Staff <br />will be working with the Metropolitan Council and Pete Sampair in January, 2012 on the next <br />steps in this process. No formal action was taken. <br />Approve Molitor Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Conditional Use Permit, and Sketch Plan for <br />Xcel Energy <br />Xcel Energy has applied for approval of a preliminary plat, final plat, Conditional Use Permit <br />(CUP) and sketch plan for an electric/gas training center to be located at 13676 Fenway <br />Boulevard North. The request includes the platting of a 68 acre piece of property into 1 lot (12.5 <br />acres) and 2 outlots (8.3 acres and 47.2 acres) to be known as Molitor Addition. The proposed <br />8.3 acre parcel would be dedicated to the City and could be part of the Clearwater Creek <br />Preserve Park. The applicant is proposing to build a 50,000 square foot Xcel Energy training <br />center with associated outdoor electric and gas training on the 12.5 acre lot. The outdoor storage <br />and training area is proposed to be larger than the building footprint; therefore, requires approval <br />of a CUP. At its December 8, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission considered Xcel <br />Energy's request and unanimously recommended approval to the Council. Planner Rachel Juba <br />presented the application to the City Council. Xcel Community Relations Manager John <br />Wertisch, other Xcel representatives, and property owner Bruce Molitor were available to answer <br />questions. The Council seemed pleased with the plan, and had questions regarding Outlot B <br />located on the south portion of the parcel, which Council felt was a good buffer between the <br />training center and the townhome development to the south. Council questioned whether a trail <br />connection to Clearwater Creek Park Preserve through that outlot would affect Xcel's plans. <br />Planner Rachel Juba stated there would be security fencing around the entire training center to <br />keep it separate from this outlot. Also discussed was the deferred assessment on the Molitor <br />property, which will be collected at the time the final plat is recorded. <br />