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2011.12.19 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2011 CC Minutes
2011.12.19 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2011 <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />Approve Proposal to Update the Alternative Urban Areawide Review for Everton Avenue <br />In January, 2002, the Council adopted the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Final Alternative <br />Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) as part of the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study. <br />Minnesota Rules 4410.3610, Subd. 7, requires the document to be reviewed and updated every <br />five years until all development in the study area has received final approval. The AUAR was <br />updated in the spring of 2007 and will now expire in January 2012. If the AUAR expires, any <br />development within the AUAR area that requires an environmental review will need to complete <br />a separate Environmental Assessment Worksheet. City Engineer Jay Kennedy showed on a map <br />the parcels left to develop within the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study Area saying <br />approximately 2/3 of the area is left for development. Mayor Fran Miron removed this from the <br />Consent Agenda to discuss the five year review requirement and expenses incurred by all the <br />agencies involved in the review and update of this AUAR. Taxpayer dollars are being spent on <br />reviewing an area, which may go undeveloped for some time, and a document that will not <br />change. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained the City's Finance Department was keeping track <br />of the cost and it will be recovered when the properties are developed. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the proposal from WSB Engineering to update <br />the AUAR. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to send a letter to the legislative delegation <br />explaining the situation and concern the City has over the use of taxpayer dollars, and to ask for <br />suggestions to resolve it. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Charitable Gambling Policy <br />At its December 5, 2011 meeting, Council discussed how proceeds from charitable gambling <br />were being dispersed by organizations that are based outside of the City of Hugo but conduct <br />gambling at an establishment in Hugo. Specifically discussed was the Centennial Hockey <br />Association who operates pull tabs and bingo at the Blue Heron Grill, and the Bayport Legion <br />who operates the same at Sal's Angus Grill. It was noted by Council that proceeds from these <br />gambling organizations are being spent outside of the City of Hugo. Owner of Sal's Angus Grill <br />Jeff Fusco and owner of the Blue Heron Chad Wagner had stated they were unaware that <br />donation requests from Hugo organizations were not being addressed by the gambling <br />associations. As directed by Council, staff worked with Council Member Chuck Haas to develop <br />this policy and provided it to Chad Wagner and Jeff Fusco for review. Mayor Miron stated this <br />was a policy, not an ordinance, and the organizations were now aware of the wishes of the <br />Council, which was to have at least 15% of the proceeds from Hugo establishments be spent to <br />directly benefit Hugo. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the Charitable Gambling Policy as drafted. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />
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