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Hugo City Council Minutes for January 4, 2010 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />of this chain is the Engineers who report to the Chief Engineer. A copy of the Chain of <br />Command for 2010 is available at the Hugo Fire Hall and Hugo City Hall, and it will be included <br />as part of the Emergency Management Plan. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Fire <br />Department Chain of Command for 2010. <br />Approve Resolution Setting Date for South Egg Lake Street Reconstruction Proiect for <br />February 1, 2010 <br />On October 12, 2009 a neighborhood meeting was held with the residents on the south end of <br />Egg Lake to discuss a 2010 street reconstruction project. As directed by Council, City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy prepared the feasibility study and presented the findings to the City Council on the <br />project, which include road improvements, storm sewer drainage improvements, and spot repairs <br />to the sewer and water system. At its December 21, 2009 meeting, Council scheduled the public <br />hearing for Tuesday, January 19, 2010. Staff is requesting more time to allow for the noticing of <br />the public hearing and is requesting Council reschedule the public hearing for February 1, 2010. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - 1 RECEIVING <br />FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE <br />PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOUTH EGG LAKE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, <br />AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS <br />Approve Final Plat for Heritage Ponds 3rd Addition <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a final plat in order to plat two lots and an outlot. The <br />project, to be known as "Heritage Ponds 3rd Addition", is located north of 158th Street and <br />Enfield Avenue. The site is currently platted as Outlot C of Heritage Ponds 2nd Addition. The <br />City Council reviewed and approved the preliminary plat and PUD general plan for Heritage <br />Ponds at its May 3, 2004 meeting. The final plat will plat the remaining two lots from the <br />Heritage Ponds preliminary plat. There are no changes to the lots from the preliminary plat. The <br />lots meet the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the development agreement <br />for Heritage Ponds 2nd Addition. The park dedication requirements were fulfilled with the first <br />and second phases of the development. No additional park dedication is due. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2010-2 APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR PRATT <br />DEVELOPMENT INC FOR "HERITAGE PONDS 3RD ADDITION" ON PROPERTY <br />LOCATED NORTH OF 158TH STREET AND ENFIELD AVENUE <br />Approve Final Pay Request to Arcon Construction for 2009 Street Improvement Proiect <br />The City of Hugo has received the final pay request from Arcon Construction for work <br />completed to date on the 2009 street improvement project which included City streets in and <br />around the Hugo Elementary School neighborhood. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff <br />has reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed on the project. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the final pay request in the amount of $64,746.25 for <br />work completed on the street improvement project. <br />Approve Appointment of Official Newspaper <br />Councilmember Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Each year, <br />Council selects a newspaper as the official publication for all public notices and publishing of <br />