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Hugo City Council minutes for March 1, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />Approve Resolution for P.U.D. General Plan and Plat for Positive Companies Retail Building in <br />Victor Gardens <br />Approve Amended Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Bald Eagle Lake <br />Approve Recommendation to Promote Associate Planner Rachel Simone to City Planner <br />Approve City Focus Goals and Ongoing Priorities for 2010 <br />Approve Application from Final Stretch, Inc. for a Running Event in City of Hugo on May 22, <br />2010 <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for 2010 Public Works Seasonal Positions <br />Approve Retirement of Building Official John Benson Effective March 29, 2010 <br />Approve City of Hugo Spring Clean Up Event For Saturday, April 24, 2010 <br />Approve Grant Application to White Bear Lake Community Education to Purchase Youth <br />Soccer Goals <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claim Roster as presented. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2010 Seal Coating Proiects <br />Each year, the City of Hugo seal coats and crack fills a portion of its bituminous roads. Staff <br />seeks authorization from the City Council to advertise for the 2010 seal coating & crack filling <br />projects. Bids would then be awarded in May 2010 and work would take place during the month <br />of June. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved advertisement of bid for the 2010 seal <br />coating and crack filling projects. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2010 Graveling Project <br />Each year, the City of Hugo re -gravels a portion of its gravel roads. Staff seeks authorization <br />from the City Council to advertise for the 2010 graveling project. Bids would then be awarded <br />in May 2010 and work would take place during the month of July. City staff recommends <br />Council authorize advertisement of bid for the 2010 graveling project. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2010 Dust Control Proiect <br />The City of Hugo currently applies dust control to approximately 23 miles of gravel roads <br />located within its municipal boundaries. The City has budgeted $117,000 for the dust control <br />project in 2010. Staff seeks authorization from the City Council to advertise for the 2010 Dust <br />Control Project. Bids would then be awarded in May 2010. The dust control/stabilization would <br />be applied in two separate applications, once in mid-May and again in early to mid-August. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the advertisement of bid for the 2010 dust control <br />project. <br />