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Hugo City Council minutes for March 1, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />Approve Amended Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Bald Eagle <br />Lake <br />The Bald Eagle Lake Homeowners Association has notified White Bear Township that it is <br />financially not able to meet the terms of the agreement and has therefore requested to be <br />removed from the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement. The effect of the <br />removal of their prorate share of the agreement reduces Ramsey County Sheriff's patrol hours <br />down to 120 hours from 160 hours. The cost of this law enforcement service to the City of Hugo <br />will remain the same. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the amended Supplemental <br />Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Bald Eagle Lake. <br />Approve Recommendation to Promote Associate Planner Rachel Simone to City Planner <br />Rachel Simone was hired by the City of Hugo as an Associate Planner on January 2, 2007, after <br />completing an internship for nearly a year. Over the past four years, Rachel has worked hard to <br />develop the skills necessary to be a successful City Planner. Rachel now is completely <br />responsible for the development of the Economic Development Authority agenda and <br />background material as well as making presentations to the Planning Commission and Board of <br />Zoning Appeals and Adjustments. Rachel has become more independent with experience and no <br />longer requires close supervision. Community Development Director Bryan Bear has completed <br />Rachel's Annual Performance Appraisal and has determined that Rachel is ready to advance <br />from her entry-level Associate Planner position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />recommendation from Community Development Director Bryan Bear to promote Associate <br />Planner Rachel Simone to City Planner. <br />Approve City Focus Goals and Ongoing Priorities for 2010 <br />At its January 25, 2010 meeting, Council conducted its annual goal setting session with <br />recommendations from City commissions and the Fire Department. After discussion, Council <br />agreed to set the City's Focus Goals with Ongoing Priorities for 2010 with final revisions <br />solicited from individual Councilmembers. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />City's Focus Goals and Ongoing Priorities for 2010. <br />Approve Application from Final Stretch, Inc. for a Running Event in City of Hugo on May <br />22,2010 <br />For the past nine years, White Bear Lake running officials have held a running event in May with <br />a 10 mile and 30K race. Races are held at the Ramsey County Beach on Bald Eagle Lake and <br />follow a secured route which includes a short portion in the City of Hugo. The club Final <br />Stretch, Inc., has made application for approval of the race route with the City of White Bear, <br />White Bear Township, and the City of Hugo, along with the assistance of Ramsey County <br />Sheriffs Department officials. Final Stretch, Inc., has obtained the additional liability insurance <br />coverage which applies to volunteers and runners. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the application of Final Stretch, Inc., for a 10 -mile and 3 O race to be held on Saturday, May 22, <br />2010 for a route to follow Elmcrest Avenue on the north end of Bald Eagle Lake from 129th <br />Street North to Frenchman Road. <br />