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2010.04.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.04.05 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 5, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />Discussion on Shooting Ordinance <br />During the March 15th City Council meeting, staff was advised to contact the Washington <br />County Sheriff's Department to see if the ordinance language involving Bald Eagle Lake was <br />enforceable. Council also advised staff to compare state statue language with the City's current <br />and proposed ordinance language. Staff has met with both the sheriff's department and a DNR <br />conservation officer. Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields explained that no <br />changes to the proposed ordinance have been made since the Council discussed it on March 15, <br />2010. Dennis provided a recap of a meeting he had with a Washington County Deputy who <br />determined the regulations on Bald Eagle Lake would be enforceable. Dennis also met with the <br />MN DNR regarding State Statute and the language in Hugo's ordinance as it applies to the <br />discharge of a firearm or controlled weapons within 500 feet from an occupied dwelling. Dennis <br />presented a map showing three possible scenarios for the 500 foot rule. One would be to follow <br />DNR regulations which do not cross property lines; therefore a person could discharge a firearm <br />or controlled weapon anywhere on their own property. Another option would allow for it only if <br />written permission is granted by the owner of the occupied dwelling within 500 feet, and lastly, <br />to prohibit the discharge of firearm or controlled weapon anywhere within 500 feet of a building, <br />which is the language presented in the proposed ordinance. Council had extensive discussion on <br />the proposed ordinance with many questions. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to hold a public hearing on the ordinance <br />with the language regarding the 500 foot rule as currently proposed. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Weidt, Miron <br />Nays: Haas, Klein <br />Motion carried. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to revise the language in the draft ordinance to only allow <br />archery hunting in Clearwater Creek Preserve until the end of the archery season instead of until <br />December 31St <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Charitable Gambling Ordinance <br />At it's December 7, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council discussed issues related to charitable <br />gambling in the City of Hugo and whether the City of Hugo should consider adopting an <br />ordinance to ensure that charitable gambling proceeds are spent within the City of Hugo's trade <br />area. After discussion, Council directed staff to prepare a draft charitable gambling ordinance <br />which would regulate how the City's charitable organizations spend their proceeds. At its March <br />15, 2010 meeting, Council discussed a draft ordinance and directed staff to send all gambling <br />organizations a copy of the proposed gambling ordinance and invite them to attend this meeting. <br />Councilmember Haas provided a recap on the legislation last spring that took the cities out of the <br />process of renewing premise permits. City Clerk Michele Lindau provided a brief overview of <br />what was included in the draft ordinance. Major points of discussion were the requirement of <br />gambling organizations to donate 10 percent of their net profits to a City fund, and the <br />
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