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City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Rum River Contracting for Work Completed to Date on <br />The City of Hugo has received Pay Request No. 1 from Rum River Contracting for work <br />completed to date on the T.H. 61/130 Street intersection improvements. Senior Engineering <br />Technician Steve Duff and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have reviewed the pay request and found <br />it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the intersection improvements. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 1 from Rum River Contracting in the amount of <br />$141,145.94 for work completed to date on the T.H.61/130th Street intersection improvement <br />project. <br />Adopt Resolution Requesting Advanced State Aid Funding From MN DOT <br />Council Member Chuck Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda. City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy and Finance Director Ron Otkin have worked diligently to research and phrovide for the <br />necessary funding for the City of Hugo's intersection improvement at T.H.61/1301 Street and <br />T.H.61/147th Street. Specifically, the City of Hugo has requested an advance from its state aid <br />street funding from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />explained that the City's annual allotment was $425,000. Twenty-five percent goes directly into <br />the street maintenance fund and the other 75% is maintained by MN DOT until the City has a <br />valid project; the City can then borrow up to three years of their allotment. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2010-17 REQUESTING AN <br />ADVANCE FROM THE MN DOT MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET FUND FOR <br />CALENDAR YEAR 2010. <br />Ayes: Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Haas, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve Award of Bid for Hanifl Fields Athletic Park Shelter <br />At its April 19, 2010 meeting, the Council authorized City staff to publicly re -bid Hanifl Fields <br />Athletic Park Shelter construction project due to inconsistencies in the April 14th bids. On <br />Wednesday, May 12, 2010, the City of Hugo opened bids for the construction project. There <br />were a total of 13 bidders on the project. Planner Kendra Lindahl explained the re -bid resulted in <br />significantly lower bids amounting to approximately $20,000 in savings to the City with the <br />apparent low bid amount of $532,476.47. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to award the bid to Gen Con Construction in the amount of <br />$532,476.47. <br />All Ayes. Motion approved. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that the award would be contingent on the signing of the <br />necessary documents provided by the City. <br />