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City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />Approve Variance for Side Yard Setback for the Marston Family at 8895 126th St. N. <br />At its April 22, 2010 meeting the Board considered the variance request and held a public <br />hearing on the application. Staff presented the request and recommended denial of the side yard <br />setback variance and approval of the shoreland setback variance for additions to the house. There <br />were two people that spoke on the request at the public hearing, the property owner to the north <br />and her son. They were against the variance for the side yard setback because the additions to be <br />constructed close to the north property line would reduce the value of their property. The Board <br />discussed the request and recommended approval of both variances from the side yard setback <br />and shoreland setback requirements to the City Council. At its May 3, 2010 meeting, Council <br />approved the shoreland setback variance and tabled the variance request on the side yard <br />setback. City Planner Rachel Simone explained staff worked with the applicant and the neighbor <br />to address the conditions for the side yard setback variance. Builder John Murphy explained he <br />revised the plan to show the recreation room at the required 20 foot side yard setback and garage <br />ten feet from the side property line, where 20 feet is required by ordinance as well as reducing <br />the width of the garage to 19 feet. The Council explained the rational for approving the variance: <br />applicant minimized the variance for the garage, the rest of the building met the required setback, <br />the variance does not change the characteristics of the area, the applicant is unable to locate <br />another garage on the property without requesting a variance, no other homes are built as close to <br />the lot line as to require a variance, the adjoining property is at a higher elevation, and the <br />building would be screened by trees along the property line. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2010-18 APPROVING A <br />VARIANCE FOR SCOTT AND MELISSA MARSTON IN THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL <br />ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8895 126TH STREET NORTH. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Weidt, Haas, Klein, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve Revisions to the City's Shooting Ordinance <br />At it's May 3, 2010 meeting, City Council held a public hearing on the revisions to the City's <br />Shooting Ordinance. Council tabled this item before any discussion due to the lack of time <br />remaining for the meeting. Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields provided a <br />presentation containing background and an overview of the relevant issues to the Council. <br />Council talked about the controlled shooting area and a proposed change in the northwest corner <br />of Egg Lake due to comments from residents at the public hearing. Council also discussed <br />options for the 500 foot rule. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to adopt the controlled shooting area map with the <br />exclusion of the area around the north end of Egg Lake, and language that the rural area be <br />governed by DNR regulations in regard to the 500' rule. <br />Ayes: Haas, Klein <br />Nays: Weidt, Petryk, Miron <br />Motion failed. <br />