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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2010 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Klein, Petryk, Weidt, Miron <br />ABSENT: None <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Assistant City Attorney Christine Eid, and City Clerk Michele <br />Lindau <br />Approve Minutes for the City Council Meeting on May 17, 2010 <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the May 17, 2010 City Council <br />meeting as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of the Agenda <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the Agenda as presented. <br />All Ayes. <br />Approve Request from Hugo Fire Department for Solicitation of Donations for Muscular <br />Dystrophy Association (MDA) <br />The Hugo Fire Department has received a letter of solicitation for donations for the Muscular <br />Dystrophy Association (MDA). The "Fill the Boot" campaign is an effort of MDA to enlist the <br />support of state-wide and nation-wide local fire departments and their efforts to raise funds for <br />Muscular Dystrophy. Nicole Blomquist, Fundraising Coordinator for the MDA, provided <br />Council with background on the "Fill the Boot" campaign, which has been conducted by fire <br />fighters for the past 55 years and raised over $27 million last year to support MDA funded <br />research, clinics, support groups and summer camps. Fire Chief Jim Compton stated that <br />members of the Fire Department would be at the intersection of Victor Hugo Boulevard and <br />Frenchman Road requesting donations on the weekend of July 24-25, 2010. This is the same <br />weekend as the car show at the Blacksmith Lounge when a high level of traffic is expected <br />through town. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the proclamation supporting the MDA and the <br />Hugo Fire Department for the solicitation of donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association <br />on July 24-25, 20100. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />