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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting on September 20, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Update on CSAH 8 East Reconstruction Proiect <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided Council with an update from Washington County on <br />the CSAH 8 (east) reconstruction project, which will begin September 21, 2010 with culvert <br />work. Grading and subgrade work is scheduled to begin on September 23, 2010 with short- <br />term road closures. Residents can receive updates by visiting Washington County's website <br />at , signup for electronic updates via email or Twitter, or <br />directly contact Jake Gave, Design Engineer, at Washington County. The project is expected <br />to be completed in November 2010. No formal action was taken. <br />Discussion on Assessment for Property at 5648/5650 142°a Street — South E62 Lake <br />Improvement Proiect <br />At the September 7, 2010 Assessment Hearing for the South Egg Lake Improvement project, the <br />City Council heard testimony from Terry and Colleen Hantho, who own a duplex at 5648 and <br />5650142 d Street, and their proposed assessment is for two units. At the conclusion of the <br />hearing, the City Council asked for additional information regarding the proposed assessment <br />related to the Hantho property. City Engineer Jay Kennedy had reviewed the City's Assessment <br />Policy, and he explained the Hanthos have two separate household, each having road access. <br />Jay added that many communities apply a similar policy, and this policy was applied to a parcel <br />in the 2009 street project in the Hugo Elementary School neighborhood. Community <br />Development Director Bryan Bear added that the property in question could be split into two <br />parcels. <br />Terry Hantho said that Washington County treats the parcel as one home and he disagreed that it <br />could be split into two parcels because there was only one furnace and one sewer and water <br />connection. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to prepare findings -of -fact, specific to the <br />Hantho assessment, supporting it as a single family home. <br />Ayes: Haas, Klein, Miron <br />Nays: Weidt, Petryk <br />Motion carried. <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to continue the public hearing on the Hantho assessment at <br />the October 4, 2010 City Council meeting. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on MN DNR Community Conservation Assistance Grant Agreement <br />At the City Council meeting of June 21, 2010, a resolution was approved supporting application <br />to the Minnesota DNR Community Conservation Assistance Program for $16,875 in funding to <br />be used for a study of eastern Hugo to determine what areas should be served by sewer. At the <br />DNR's request, the project scope and grant request was expanded with a new total project cost <br />estimate of $34,000. City Parks Planner Shayla Syverson asked Council to approve, at the <br />request of the DNR, to increase this funding request to $25,125. The DNR has agreed to <br />reimburse the City for the project in an amount not to exceed $25,125 with the remainder $8,875 <br />to be paid with in-kind services or local funding match. <br />