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Minutes for the City Council Meeting October 18, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the award of bid to Northdale Construction in the <br />amount of $130,998.35. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Health Subcommittee and SHIP Grant <br />At the May 17, 2010 meeting, the City Council discussed the formation of the Health Sub - <br />Committee to look into an on-going community health initiative and Statewide Health <br />Improvement Program (SHIP) funding. Staff was directed to represent the City of Hugo on the <br />SHIP Community Leadership Team of Washington County. Recently, SHIP Community Partner <br />Project funding has become available. A pre -application was submitted. The Health Sub - <br />Committee met October 13, 2010 to draft an application and plan an eligible project. Parks <br />Planner Shayla Syverson gave an update on the Health Sub -Committee that is working on <br />projects that promote the City of Hugo's trail system and a series of healthy community events. <br />Staff will also submit an application for SHIP Community Partner Project funding from <br />Washington County in an amount up to $4,000. Mayor Fran Miron directed staff to continue to <br />be involved in the SHIP project and work with area businesses on community health initiatives. <br />Update on October 11, 2010 Neighborhood Meeting for Lake Air Estates/Bald Eagle <br />Estates Street & Utility Improvements <br />At its September 7, 2010 meeting, the City Council scheduled a neighborhood meeting with <br />residents in the Lake Air Estates/Bald Eagle Estates neighborhood to discuss a potential street <br />and utility improvement project. Mayor Miron, along with Council members Weidt, Klein, and <br />Petryk were in attendance at the meeting along with City Engineer Jay Kennedy and Senior <br />Engineer Technician Steve Duff. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained that the project was <br />included in the City's CIP and would include roadway reconstruction and installation of City <br />water. At the meeting, Jay stated that the residents generally agreed the roads were in poor <br />condition and needed repair. Residents also requested staff send out a questionnaire to residents <br />in the project area regarding the project. <br />Dan Peka, 5076 124th Street North, stated that he was one -hundred percent against it because he <br />could not afford an assessment. <br />Don Dumer, 4950 126th Street North, questioned whether it was possible to not assess for water <br />until the property owner connected to municipal water. City Engineer Jay Kennedy responded <br />that the City would then have to carry the expense of the improvements. <br />(Councilmember Weidt returned at 8:16 p.m.) <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to direct staff to mail a questionnaire to the residents in the <br />Lake Air and Bald Eagle Townhome area to determine interest on a future road and water <br />improvement project. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />