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2010.11.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.11.01 CC Minutes
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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting on November 1, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />South Ethan Avenue Neighborhood Street and Utility Improvement Project <br />At its October 4, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved a resolution to schedule a public <br />hearing on November 1, 2010 to consider the South Ethan Avenue Street and Utility <br />Improvement Project. These improvements include complete roadway reconstruction, storm <br />water drainage, sanitary sewer and water installation, and appurtenant work at a total estimated <br />cost of $1,163,186. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a brief overview of the project, and <br />Mayor Miron opened the public hearing. Much of the discussion focused on traffic calming <br />options and whether the road should be 24 feet or 26 feet wide.. <br />Edward Barrett, 12071 Everton Avenue North, talked about the sharp curve at the intersection of <br />120th Street and Everton Avenue. <br />Rick Gwynn, 12277 Ethan Avenue North, who chaired the neighborhood committee, stated it <br />was time for these improvements to be done, and reducing speed in the area was an important <br />part of this project. <br />Pat Higgins, 12145 Everton Avenue North, supported widening the road and said she did not <br />know about right-of-way on the 120th Street curve. <br />Sharon Schoeller, 12329 Ethan Avenue North, said she felt a wider road would encourage <br />speeding. <br />Denise Davis, 12049 Everton Avenue North, has property adjacent to 120th Street and requested <br />she be kept informed on any plans for the area. <br />Donna Engel, 12497 Ethan Avenue North, supported a 24 foot wide road. She questioned <br />whether a deferment would stay in place in the case of a death if the surviving spouse was under <br />the deferment age of 65. Finance Director Ron Otkin stated it would become due and payable; <br />however, the spouse could ask for Council to recalculate the assessment. <br />Howard Spizman, 12301 Ethan Avenue North, said he felt vehicles would travel faster on a <br />wider road, and speeding occurred early in the morning and late afternoons. <br />Dennis Dahlin, 12165 Everton Avenue North, was in favor of a wider road to give walkers and <br />bikers more room. <br />Rick Gwynn was not in favor of a 26 foot road because he would lose two feet of his front yard. <br />Rick also talked about the cost of water installation and said he was told by a contractor that <br />there was little difference in the cost of directional boring and open cut trenching. <br />Dwight Harvey, 12471 Ethan Avenue North, was not in favor of a 26 foot road width, and he <br />pointed out that the road to the north was 24 feet wide. <br />Greg Steiner, 12255 Ethan Avenue North, was not in favor of the wider road. He stated that the <br />Council should put high priority in reducing speed on the road, and he supported the electronic <br />driver feedback signage. <br />
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