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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 6, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 13 <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2009 Seal Coating and Crack Filling Proiects <br />Each year, the City of Hugo seal coats and crack fills a portion of its bituminous roads. Staff <br />seeks authorization from the City Council to advertise for the 2009 seal coating & crack filling <br />projects. Bids would then be awarded in May 2009 and work would take place during the month <br />of June. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved authorization for advertisement of bid for <br />the 2009 seal coating & crack filling projects. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2009 Graveling Proiect <br />Each year, the City of Hugo re -gravels a portion of its gravel roads. Staff seeks authorization <br />from the City Council to advertise for the 2009 graveling project. Bids would then be awarded <br />in May 2009 and work would take place during the month of July. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved authorization for advertisement of bid for the 2009 graveling project. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2009 Dust Control Project <br />The City of Hugo currently applies dust control to approximately 23 miles of gravel roads located <br />within its municipal boundaries. The City has budgeted $117,000 for the dust control project in <br />2009. Following City Council approval, staff will advertise and solicit bids through our City <br />newspaper and will hold a bid opening on Friday, May 15, 2009 at 1:OOpm. This will be followed <br />by the Council awarding bids at its first meeting in June. The dust control/stabilization would be <br />applied in two separate applications, once in early June and again in early to mid-August. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved authorization for advertisement of bid for the 2009 dust control <br />project. <br />Approve Site Plan and Variances for Carpenters on the Lake Restaurant Redevelopment <br />Plan <br />Chuck Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. The applicant is <br />requesting approval of a site plan and variances for Carpenters Restaurant located at 14559 <br />Forest Boulevard North. The site plan includes a 8,008 square foot single story restaurant <br />building and parking lot for the restaurant. The existing buildings on site, including the <br />restaurant building and the vacant building to the north, will be demolished with construction of <br />the new restaurant. The site plan shows the restaurant on the applicant's 1.43 acre property as <br />well as some parking on the .83 acre City owned property to the north. The Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing on the request for the site plan and variances at their March <br />12, 2009 meeting. Staff recommended approval of the site plan and variances the Planning <br />Commission. The Planning Commission generally liked the plan and thought it was a good start <br />to downtown redevelopment. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval to <br />the City Council of the site plan and variances. Associate Planner presented the plan to the <br />Council. Owner of Carpenters, Mike Anderson, was in attendance and stated his family had <br />owned the restaurant for 40 years. He said was currently working on the TIP application and <br />was eager to get started on the new restaurant. Councilmember Haas had concerns over the <br />shared parking to be located on the City property to the north and wanted the agreement to be <br />finalized prior to approval, along with other development related issues. <br />