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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 6, 2009 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -11 <br />ADOPTING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FONDANT AVENUE, FOXHILL AVENUE, <br />FRANCESCA AVENUE, FREELAND AVENUE, GENEVA AVENUE, LOWER 147TH <br />STREET NORTH, 148TH STREET NORTH, AND 150TH STREET NORTH IMPROVEMENT <br />PROJECT. <br />Ayes: Weidt, Haas, Klein, Petryk, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing on Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements for Carpenter's on the <br />Lake Restaurant Redevelopment Plan <br />Mike Anderson from Carpenters is requesting the vacation of all drainage and utility easements <br />over all of Lot 10, Lot 11, Lot 12, Lot 13, and Lot 14 of County Auditors Plat Number 7. The <br />lots are owned by the applicant and the City. The vacation of the existing easements is necessary <br />because existing sewer and water lines are being relocated. New easements will be dedicated <br />over the proposed new sewer and water lines, and stormwater ponds. The proposed <br />redevelopment site plan will include an approximately 8,000 square foot restaurant building and <br />parking lot on City property. Associate Planner Rachel Simone noted on the plan where the <br />existing and proposed easements are located, and explained that the proposed development will <br />manage all storm water on site through ponding, and new drainage and utility easements will be <br />created over the stormwater ponds as well as the sewer and waterlines. <br />Haas made motion, Klein second, to approve the Notice of Completion of Vacation Proceedings <br />for the vacation of the drainage and utility easements over properties located on the future <br />Carpenter's on the Lake Restaurant property and City owned property to the north. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Report on Met Council Water Supply Advisory Board and Water Appropriation Permit <br />At its March 16, 2009 meeting, Councilmember Chuck Haas addressed the Hugo City Council <br />regarding issues related to the Met Council Water Supply Advisory Committee on which he <br />serves. Chuck and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have been working with the Advisory Committee <br />and the DNR regarding issues related to the City of Hugo's application for a water <br />appropriations permit to construct a new well in the south central section of the City, and they <br />provided the City Council with an update on the progress. The Water Supply Plan was intended <br />to streamline the permit process; however many DNR requirements are vague and go above and <br />beyond what is required by the Water Supply Advisory Board. A draft of the plan was approved <br />for a six-month period and cities will report back in six months on the status of their <br />appropriation permits; meanwhile, the DNR will be reviewing their requirements. The Met <br />Council is very supportive of the cities' position and follow-up meetings are expected. <br />Councilmember Haas and City Engineer Jay Kennedy will keep the Council apprised of this <br />issue. No formal action was taken. <br />