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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 6, 2009 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />Update on March 23 and April 2, 2009 Food Shelf Meetings <br />On March 23 and April 2, 2009, meetings were held with volunteers who wish to pursue the <br />development of a new food shelf in the City of Hugo. The meetings have been attended by <br />more than 25 people including City staff members, local church members, and former food shelf <br />volunteers. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the reestablishment of the current food <br />shelf operations including a new location for the food shelf and their interest in establishing a <br />501C3 non-profit organization. City Administrator Mike Ericson provided Council with an <br />update on the action items related to the two food shelf meetings held since the last City Council <br />meeting. The food shelf will be named "Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf' and will be located <br />in the garage located in Lions Park, owned by the City and currently used as the youth garage. <br />With approval by Katie Riopel and the Hugo Lions, the youth center will be relocated to the <br />Hugo Lions building on the property. The food shelf is in the process of filing for the 5010 <br />status and establishing a Board of Directors to consist of 11 members. The Council has been <br />asked to be the appointing body to get the board started. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to prepare a lease agreement for the food shelf to use the <br />youth garage. <br />All ayes, motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded to invite participation of residents and business of Hugo to <br />make application to be on the Board of Directors, with the Council to review and make <br />recommendations to the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to amend the motion to choose two individuals from the <br />City Council. <br />Vote on amendment: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Vote on original motion as amended: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Mayor Miron and Councilmember Weidt were chosen to work with the Hugo Good Neighbors <br />Food Shelf on establishment of their charter Board of Directors. <br />Update on 130th Street and Highway 61 Intersection <br />At its March 16, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council listened to an update from City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy regarding issues related to construction and funding of the intersection <br />improvement at TH61 and 130th Street. Council directed the City Engineer to continue to <br />explore funding from MN DOT for a traffic signal as well as to explore any and all funding <br />options, which would not include assessments. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided Council <br />with an update on continued discussions he has had with MN DOT Officials regarding both the <br />traffic signal and railroad improvements. Jay informed Council that the rail authority would not <br />require an active warning devise, and the City and railroad would continue to discuss ways of <br />making the crossing safer. Jay explained there was no further information from MN DOT on the <br />installation of the signal. Finance Director Ron Otkin shared with Council a funding plan for all <br />three projects in the City: 2009 street reconstruction project around the Hugo Elementary School <br />