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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 20, 2009 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />I.1 Discussion on Xcel Energy Installation of Redesigned Power Poles in Victor Gardens <br />At its November 3, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council listened to a presentation from John <br />Wertish, Community Services Manager from Xcel Energy, as he explained Xcel Energy's need <br />to install additional power poles for additional transmission lines to address the need for power <br />in Water's Edge and Victor Gardens neighborhoods. John explained that Xcel Energy would be <br />installing power poles in Xcel Energy's right-of-way easement, which runs diagonally southwest <br />of its power station on TH61 across the street from the Creekview Preserve neighborhood. <br />Council discussed with John the rational for installing above -ground power lines as well as <br />underground power lines. John explained that if power lines were installed underground in the <br />Victor Gardens retail neighborhood, the City of Hugo would be responsible for that cost as per <br />the City's franchise agreement. John stated that Xcel Energy engineering officials would prepare <br />a construction plan with a redesign of power poles for the Victor Gardens retail center and he <br />would bring back the new redesign at a later date. On April 9, 2009, City staff met with John <br />Wertish and representatives from Xcel Energy to review the proposed power pole redesign and <br />were pleased with the work of the engineering department in order to provide a single pole that is <br />taller than the current power poles, which is necessary to install all transmission lines with a ten - <br />foot separator of the current power lines. Staff was very pleased with the newly designed metal <br />power poles which aesthetically will be much improved over the wooden creosote coated power <br />poles. John Wertish made a presentation to the City Council on the new construction plan for <br />the power poles and project, and he said they hoped to be finished by peak season, which was <br />June, to provide load relief in the Waters Edge Development area. He also pointed out the City <br />would get additional property tax dollars on the increased value of the power poles. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, approve installation of the redesigned power poles in the <br />Victor Gardens neighborhood. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Establishment of Ordinance Review Committee <br />For the past year, the City Council had established a code enforcement committee that was <br />assigned the task of reviewing ordinances and proposing revisions to those ordinances. The <br />committee had worked on the nuisance ordinance, junk vehicle ordinance, large recreation <br />vehicle ordinance, and most recently, the sign ordinance. On that committee was Council <br />members Becky Petryk and Tom Weidt and former Councilmember Frank Puleo. Planning <br />Commissioner Bob Rosenquist, Adam Moore, and Doug Galler have volunteered to be a part of <br />a new ordinance review committee. This item was table by the Council at its April 6, 2009 <br />meeting due to lack of time. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to establish an ordinance review committee. <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to amend the motion to appoint Weidt and Klein to the <br />ordinance review committee. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to amend the amendment to allow the City Council <br />discretion to appoint additional members if they choose to. <br />Vote on the amendment to the amendment: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />