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Hugo City Council Minutes for April 20, 2009 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />Vote on amended amendment: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Vote on original motion as twice amended: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Report on April 13, 2009 Meeting with City of Grant and May Township on Horse <br />Boarding and Livestock Classification <br />During 2008, Washington County reviewed the operations of all horse boarding and/or training <br />operations within the county. Information was gathered related to the specifics of each <br />operation, for example the number of horses boarded, number of personal horses, training <br />facilities, and the total acres used as part of the operation. The information gathered was used to <br />make classification decisions for the 2009 assessment. At the April 6, 2009 Council meeting, <br />City Assessor Frank was in attendance to answer questions. After discussion, Council agreed <br />that this issue was very important and directed City Staff to hold a meeting with owners of horse <br />boarding operations to discuss the issue including options for the operators before the City's <br />April 23, 2009 Board of Equalization meeting. Mayor Fran Miron and Councilmember Chuck <br />Haas contacted staff the next day to request that a joint meeting be held with the City of Grant <br />and May Township on Monday, April 13, 2009 in order to provide necessary and timely <br />information to the County Board if necessary prior to the City's April 23, 2009 Board of <br />Equalization meeting. At the April 13th meeting, City and Town officials agreed that resolutions <br />of support should be drafted and presented to the Washington County Board requesting that no <br />changes be made to the current classification, and that the Cities and Township should formally <br />support the legislation prepared by State Senator Ray Vandeveer and Representative Bob <br />Dettmer to clarify the classification of horse boarding and livestock. Staff had prepared a <br />resolution for Council to consider. <br />Residents Beth Miner, 8131 140th Street North, and Mary Armstrong, 4652 165th Street <br />addressed the council regarding the classification on their property and the upcoming Board of <br />Equalization meeting. <br />Klein made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2009-13 SUPPORTING AN <br />AGRICULTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES WHERE HORSE BOARDING <br />AND/OR TRAINING OPERATIONS OCCUR, and forward it to Washington County, the City <br />of Grant, and May Township. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Staff was directed to <br />Discussion on Citizen Petition for Improvements to Goodview Avenue South into Grant <br />City staff was contacted by Councilmember Chuck Haas who was contacted by residents living <br />on or near Goodview Avenue South who are interested and supportive of improvements to the <br />gravel road which has been posted as a minimum maintenance road by the City of Grant. A <br />petition has been circulated by both White Bear Township and Hugo residents which formally <br />requests that the City of Grant turn over maintenance and control of the road to the County. The <br />City has received notice by Nelson Law Offices that the petitions have been forwarded to <br />Washington and Ramsey Counties. <br />