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Hugo City Council Minutes for August 17, 2009 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />the letter of lease for office space for Washington County HRA at a monthly lease rate of $100. <br />Approve Hugo Fire Department Revisions to the Facial Hair Policy <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton has been working with City staff to provide revisions to the Suggested <br />Operating Guidelines (SOG) which regulates facial hair due to the proper fitting of breathing <br />apparatus and face masks with air tanks. Jim has provided a revision to the department's facial <br />hair policy which has been reviewed by City staff and approved by City Attorney Dave Snyder. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Hugo Fire Departments revisions to the <br />department's facial hair policy as presented. <br />Approve Neighborhood Meeting Regarding Gravel Pit Property for Wednesday, <br />September 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. <br />At its August 3, 2009 meeting, the Council approved the purchase of a 125 acre parcel located <br />south of 147th Street, east of Irish Avenue. This parcel was owned by the Hansen family and is <br />the site of a former gravel pit. Council also discussed the need to meet with neighbors to discuss <br />the purchase of this property as well as the future and interim use of the property. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved scheduling Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. for the <br />neighborhood meeting to be held at the Rice Lake Park Centre. <br />Approve Scheduling of Public Hearing on Tax Abatement for September 8, 2009 <br />At its August 3, 2009 meeting, the Council approved the purchase of the 125 acre Hansen parcel <br />and directed staff to move forward with preparation for the sale of Tax Abatement Bonds. Such <br />bonds require the City Council to conduct a public hearing which will focus on the City <br />Council's determination that the use of tax abatement for parkland acquisition and improvements <br />is in the public interest. Following the public hearing, the City Council will be asked to consider <br />adopting a resolution that defines the parameters for the abatement project. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved scheduling the public hearing for Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 7:00 <br />p.m. <br />Approve Resolution Accepting Donation of an Antique 1938 Dodge Fire Truck <br />The Hugo Lions Club wishes to donate an Antique 1938 Dodge Fire Truck to the Hugo Fire <br />Department for heritage purposes. This was the first motorized fire truck owned by the Fire <br />Department and was sold to the Hugo Lions Club in the 1970's for $1 with the condition the Fire <br />Department would have the first option to reclaim it. The Fire Department would like to restore, <br />display and use the Antique Fire Truck for Hugo Fire Department activities including various <br />civic and charitable events and parades. The vehicle needs minor restoration work, including <br />painting, that the Fire Department would like to do with donations from charitable organizations. <br />The Fire Department agrees to allow the Hugo Lions Club to use the truck for civic actives and <br />events. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Charitable Gift Agreement and adopted <br />RESOLUTION 2009-26 ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF AN ANTIQUE 1938 DODGE <br />FIRE TRUCK FROM THE HUGO LIONS CLUB. <br />