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Hugo City Council Minutes for August 17, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />Approve Recommendation from Ordinance Review Committee on Variance Procedures <br />In January, the Planning Commission set its goals for 2009. One of the goals was to have the <br />Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) discuss variance procedures. This topic also came up <br />during the review of the sign ordinance. On Thursday, July 30, 2009, the ORC met to discuss <br />variance procedures. Staff discussed the Minor Deviations Ordinance that was adopted in 2007 <br />with the ORC. The ordinance allows administrative approval of minor requests that would <br />normally be required to go through the variance process. These items include reductions of <br />setback requirements and reduction of parking requirements. The applicant of the minor <br />deviation still is required to have a hardship, and it shall not be the mere granting of a privilege. <br />The ORC discussed both the minor deviations and the sign ordinance and felt that there were <br />ways for people to get administrative approval of certain requests as long as it was minor and <br />met the intent of the variance ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved ORC's <br />recommendation to the City Council that no changes be made to the minor deviations ordinance. <br />Approve EDA's Recommendation Re <br />Properties for Sale at the Southwest Corner <br />Councilmember Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda. At its August 10, 2009 <br />meeting, the Hugo Economic Development Authority (EDA) listened to a presentation from <br />Community Development Director Bryan Bear, who was in receipt of two sale offers from <br />property owners with land located at the southwest corner of the TH61 and 165th Street <br />intersection. The EDA discussed the two sale offers and after discussion agreed that the City of <br />Hugo should not proceed with the purchase of the land, and the private sector was better suited to <br />develop the properties. The Economic Development Authority unanimously recommended that <br />the Hugo City Council formally reject the offers and thank the property owners for the offer of <br />sale. Haas said there was potential for transit opportunities on this site. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to accept the EDA's recommendation to reject the offers of <br />sale with direction to staff to notify the Metro Transit Authority, Rush Line Corridor Task Force, <br />and the Washington County Transit Authority to let them know about the property owners' <br />willingness to sell and the potential for transit opportunities. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Resolution for a Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Building for Beniamin <br />Carter at 6128 Goodview Trail Circle <br />Weidt removed this item from the Consent Agenda. The applicant has requested approval of a <br />Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a 324 square foot accessory building, <br />where 260 square feet is allowed by ordinance, on property located at 6128 Goodview Trail <br />Circle North. The property is approximately .58 acres and is located in the Single Family <br />Detached Residential Zoning District where 260 square feet of accessory building space is <br />permitted by ordinance. Section 90-204 of the Comprehensive Land Use Regulations allows <br />accessory buildings up to 125 percent of the size permitted subject to the approval of a <br />conditional use permit. The applicant also runs a construction and fireplace business from the <br />property and has received many complaints from the neighbors about the business including <br />vehicle parking and damage to a neighbor's fence, likely caused when backing up a work trailer. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 13, 2009 to consider this request and <br />