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Hugo City Council Minutes for August 17, 2009 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the CUP to the City Council. The Commission also asked <br />staff to obtain the City Attorneys opinion on whether the home occupation on the property met <br />ordinance requirements without an interim use permit. City Attorney Dave Snyder opinion was <br />that if the trailer was not parked outside the home, it would meet general standards of the <br />ordinance and not require an interim use permit. Applicant Ben Carter was present and told the <br />Council he was storing the trailer elsewhere, only having it on the property when loading and <br />unloading, and his employees were parking off site. Ben said he had not resolved the issue with <br />the damaged fence, and he was hiring a surveyor to verify the fence location in relation to the <br />property line. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to table the request for a CUP for an oversized accessory <br />building until the property line and fence issue have been resolved with the neighbor. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on City Council Mid -Year Budget Workshop on August 10, 2009 <br />On August 10, 2009, the Hugo City Council held its mid -year budget workshop at which it <br />discussed the status of the current 2009 City Budget as well as both revenue and expenditure <br />projections for 2010. Finance Director Ron Otkin provided the Council with an overview on a <br />number of topics after which comment was taken from citizens and representatives regarding the <br />Northeast YMCA expansion project as well as the Washington County 4-H funding. Council <br />also discussed with Fire Chief Jim Compton the merits of a full time Fire Chief or Fire Marshall <br />position. After discussion, Council agreed to a reduction in over $600,000 in City expenditures <br />for 2010 as well as a target to keep the tax capacity rate the same as in 2009 with a levy back of <br />the unalotted Market Value Homestead Credit. Mayor Fran Miron and City Council members <br />discussed issues raised at the workshop including their broad-based support of the YMCA but <br />not financially, and agreed to a one-time funding of $4,300 to 4-H in hopes the 4-H program <br />will become self-supporting in the next year. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to prepare the budget for the next fiscal year <br />to reflect the items that were discuss. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on July 21, 2009 Hugo Council Workshop and Hugo Fire Department Relief <br />Association Meeting <br />At its July 21, 2009 workshop with the Hugo Fire Department Relief Association, the Hugo City <br />Council discussed a number of topics related to the Hugo Fire Department callout and response <br />points policy which had been revised by Fire Chief Jim Compton with assistance from Deputy <br />Fire Chief Jadon 011ila and Assistant Fire Chief Mary Schwartz. Jim and Jadon discussed with <br />Council staffing issues and explained they currently had 18 new applicants and agreed the goal <br />of the department was to maintain 33 firefighters. Also discussed was the use of teams and the <br />proposed point system, which Jim explained was the result of revisions requested by Fire <br />Department members. It was generally agreed by Council that there was no need to organize a <br />committee to discuss these issues, and the department should continue to be inclusive and <br />analyze suggestions to bring back to the Council. City Administrator said staff would be <br />working through issues related to the City of Hugo's Employee Handbook to include the Fire <br />