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2008.06.02 CC MInutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.06.02 CC MInutes
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City Council
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City Council Meeting of June 2, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />Jim Compton talked about the approximately 100 firefighters from other mutual aid organizations that <br />helped clean on Friday. Former Administrative Intern Nate Ehalt explained a Long -Term Recovery <br />Committee is being formed to assist families with long term needs not covered by insurance. The <br />committee would consist of all relief, volunteer, religious and service organizations who contributed. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder talked about the dispersement of funds and how it was not controlled by the <br />City but by a broad base of committee members. Community Development Director Bryan Bear <br />provided an update on the Building Department activities. Assessment damage has been completed and <br />the City had required contractor credentialing for contractors to access the area until today. Building <br />Permits are now being issued, and temporary staff was acquired from other cities to assist in permit <br />issuing and inspections. Mayor Miron talked about the support the City received from state and federal <br />representatives, and Commander Mary Stutz from the Washington County Sheriffs Department talked <br />about the security that had been in place around the clock with other police agencies. The "hot zone" <br />would continue to be patrolled and the Sheriff's Department will continue to be a presence. State <br />Representative Bob Dettmer, Senator Ray Vandeveer, and County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg were <br />in attendance and indicated they would continue to offer support to Hugo. The Mayor thanked them for <br />being there during this tragedy. City Administrator summarized what would be expected in the coming <br />weeks. The entire Council expressed thanks to everyone would assisted during the tragedy. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to schedule a workshop on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 8:30 <br />a.m. at Hugo City Hall to discuss the organization of the Long -Term Recovery Committee and the hiring <br />of a Long -Term Recovery Coordinator, as well as other financial matters concerning the May 25th <br />tornado. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />Consider Approval of Resolution Lifting the Declaration of State of Emergency <br />At its emergency meeting on May 26, 2008 The City Council declared a state of emergency for the areas <br />impacted by the tornado. The state of emergency gives the Council special powers authorized by state <br />statute and allows for the processing of state and federal disaster relief aid. Council discussed the state <br />of emergency, and City Attorney Dave Snyder recommend the Council continue to maintain the State of <br />Emergency and consider lifting it at its next meeting. <br />Hugo Good Neighbor Days June 5th through 8th , 2008 <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson provided a friendly reminder to the Council, residents and business <br />owners in Hugo that Good Neighbor Days will be held from June 5-8, 2008 at Lions Park. <br />Re -schedule date for 7-8-9 Open House <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson provided a friendly reminder that the TAC 7-8-9 open house that was <br />scheduled for Wednesday, May 28 and was rescheduled by Washington County due to the clean up <br />effort following the May 25 tornado. The open house has been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 25, <br />2008. <br />
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