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City Council Meeting of June 2, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />and Public Works Director Chris Petree have reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory <br />for work completed to date on the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. <br />3 in the amount of $109,634.75 for work completed to date on the Rice Lake Soccer Complex. <br />Discussion on Goodview Avenue Joint Powers Agreement <br />The City Council approved a Joint Powers Agreement related to the maintenance and paving of <br />Goodview Avenue between the south City limit and County Road 7. The agreement was forwarded to <br />Washington County, White Bear Township, and the City of Grant for their review and approval. <br />Washington County and White Bear Township have responded favorably to the agreement; the City of <br />Grant discussed the matter at a recent meeting, but took no formal action. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />updated the Council on this matter. The Council indicated the City has long recognized the importance <br />of this road, especially since TH61 was closed twice within the last two weeks due to the tornado and a <br />vehicular accident. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to send a letter to the Grant City Council requesting they address <br />this issue at an upcoming Council meeting and take formal action. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Granger suggested Mayor Miron and Commission Dennis Hegberg be allowed to address the Grant <br />City Council during that meeting. <br />Council Update on Disaster Assistance and Clean-up Progress Following May 25, 2008 Tornado <br />City staff provided updates on the current state of affairs related to the clean-up following the May 25, <br />2008 tornado. On May 31, 2008, the City along with a number of volunteer and relief organizations <br />arranged for a volunteer clean-up day. Community Development Director Bryan Bear showed a <br />PowerPoint presentation explaining the events which occurred after the F-3 tornado touched down in <br />Hugo destroying and damaging homes in the Waters Edge Development and much of the Creekview <br />Preserve Development. Fire Chief Jim Compton spoke about the execution of the Emergency <br />Management Plan and how well the plan worked though a disaster drill had never been done. Jim <br />commented on the great job the Sheriff's Department did on security and on the cooperation of all <br />departments. Countless generous donations of help and materials were received, as well as relief funds <br />deposited in accounts established at US Banks and Lake Area Banks. He encouraged affected residents <br />to visit the food shelf temporarily located in the Schwieters building behind the Fire Hall. Jim thanked <br />all the Fire Departments that supported the City of Hugo. A representative from Lake Area Bank said <br />$26,723.85 had been deposited so far, and donations were still pouring in. Council Member Haas <br />informed everyone the Long -Term Recovery Group had been formed consisting of case managers that <br />would work with each family with unmet needs. Public Works Director Chris Petree updated the <br />Council on cleanup efforts. As of today, 80% of the "hot zone" had been cleaned up and 100% of the <br />rural area. The City would continue to clean up and expected to be done tomorrow. Chris suggested <br />that Thursday be the last curbside pickup for storm debris. Jim Compton talked about the debris <br />recovery efforts in Oneka Lake by the Washington County Dive Team and the Minnesota DNR. Mayor <br />Miron spoke about the Watershed District's efforts to inspect the ditches and drainage ways. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to make Thursday, June 5, 2008 the last pickup day in the "hot <br />zone". <br />