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City Council Meeting of February 4, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approve of Claims <br />Approve of Interim Use Permit for Home Occupation at 13755 Elmcrest Ave. (Thompson) <br />Approve of Property Line Adjustment and Site Plan at NE Corner of Fenway and 130th Street <br />(DK Dockendorf) <br />Approval of Resolution Appointing Data Practices Compliance Official <br />Approve Pay Request #3 from Peterson Companies for work completed on CSAH 8 <br />Landscaping Project <br />Approve Gambling Permit for Centerville Lions Club for Cadillac Dinner on March 29, 2008 at <br />the Hugo American Legion <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for February 4, 2008 as presented. <br />APPROVAL OF INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESS AT <br />13755 ELMCREST AVE. (THOMPSON) <br />Ann and Dennis Thompson, 13755 Elmcrest Avenue North, applied for an Interim Use Permit <br />(IUP) to operate a screen printing business, known as Bluebird Screen Printing, out of a 3,600 <br />square foot accessory building on their property. The property is zoned Single Family Detached <br />Residential, but since it is 15 acres in size it is considered rural residential according to the home <br />occupation ordinance and has different standards than an urban residential home occupation. The <br />applicant is proposing flexibility to allow the business be conducted within 100% of the <br />accessory building where only 50% is allowed. The Planning Commission unanimously <br />recommended the City Council approve the resolution approving the IUP. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-3 APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT <br />TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A HOME OCCUPATION BUSINESS AS AN <br />ACCESSORY USE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13755 ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH. <br />APPROVAL OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND SITE PLAN AT NE CORNER <br />OF FENWAY AND 1301H- STREET (DK DOCKENDORF) <br />DK Dockendorf applied for a property line adjustment for two properties that are part of Lot 3, <br />Block 2, of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park located in the General Industrial District (I-3), and site <br />plan review for the proposed northern parcel. The site plan includes a one story 17,920 square <br />foot office/warehouse building with seven suites that will be the sold to individual owners. The <br />south parcel is owned separately, and is not proposed to be developed at this time. Staff had <br />concerns including the loading area between the building and the pond and the screening for roof <br />top mechanical equipment. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended to the City <br />Council to approve the resolution approving the property line adjustment and site plan with the <br />condition that the parapet wall be raised to adequately screen roof top mechanical equipment. <br />