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City Council Meeting of February 4, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-4 APPROVING A <br />PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND SITE PLAN FOR DALE DOCKENDORF IN THE <br />GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE <br />VICINITY OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 130TH STREET AND FENWAY <br />BOULEVARD NORTH. <br />APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION APPOINTING DATA PRACTICES COMPLIANCE <br />OFFICIAL <br />In 2006, the Hugo City Council appointed City Clerk Mary Ann Creager as the City's data <br />practices compliance official. Over the past two years, Mary Ann has been the City's point - <br />person for requests from residents for official public data. Due to the retirement of Mary Ann <br />Creager and with the appointment of Michele Lindau as the new City Clerk, City Attorney Dave <br />Snyder recommends Council adopt the attached resolution thereby appointing City Clerk <br />Michele Lindau as the City's data practices compliance official effective February 4, 2008. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-5, A RESOLUTION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO RELATING TO ADOPTING DATA PRACTICES <br />COMPLIANCE OFFICIAL. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #3 FROM PETERSON COMPANIES FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED ON CSAH 8 LANDSCAPING PROJECT <br />The City of Hugo contracted with Peterson Companies for completion of the landscaping work <br />on CSAH 8. In late summer, Peterson Companies submitted pay request #1 and #2 to the City of <br />Hugo for the majority of the work completed on the CSAH 8 landscaping project. Council had <br />authorized payment of the pay requests and directed staff to work with the contractor and <br />subcontractor to complete necessary punch -list items. Senior Engineering Technician Scott <br />Anderson has been working with Petersen Companies and its subcontractors regarding the <br />guarantee for the installation of the trees with the assistance of Council Member Frank Puleo and <br />EDA Commissioner Jim Bever. Petersen Companies has submitted pay request #3 to the City of <br />Hugo for work completed on the CSAH 8 landscaping project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the pay request #3 from Petersen Companies in the amount of $13,183.15 for work <br />completed to date on the CSAH 8 landscaping project. <br />APPROVE GAMBLING PERMIT FOR CENTERVILLE LIONS CLUB FOR <br />CADILLAC DINNER ON MARCH 29, 2008 AT THE HUGO AMERICAN LEGION <br />The City of Hugo has received an application for a gambling permit from the Centerville Lions <br />to hold their annual Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on March 29, 2008. City <br />Staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactory complete. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the application for a gambling permit for the Centerville Lions for <br />their annual Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on March 29, 2008. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #5 FROM ARCON CONSTRUCTION, INC FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED ON THE OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Council Member Petryk requested this item be removed from the consent agenda to allow her <br />and Council Member Granger to abstain from voting on the item. Arcon Construction, Inc. has <br />