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City Council Meeting of February 19, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />April 22, 2008 at the Hugo American Legion <br />Approve Revisions to the City Policy on Minnesota Data Practice Procedure <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for February 19, 2008 as presented. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />INTERN <br />Over the past two years, the Hugo Historical Commission has discussed the idea of hiring a <br />temporary Historical Commission Intern to assist the Commission with its volunteer work in <br />preserving the rich history of the City of Hugo. The Commission has done an excellent job over <br />the past four years of preserving written, pictorial and verbal history of the City of Hugo through <br />its long-time residents and business owners. There are some tasks the Commission would like to <br />pay special attention to and utilize the expertise of a college student who specializes in <br />preserving history. City staff has determined that there is a demonstrated need and has worked <br />with Commission Chair Kitty Cheesebrow to determine the availability of students through the <br />University of Minnesota. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the authorization for staff <br />to advertise for an intern to work with the Historical Commission for a time frame not to exceed <br />100 hours at an hourly rate of $10.00 per hour. <br />APPROVE FIRE TRAINING EXERCISE BY THE HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT AT <br />THE RICE LAKE PARK BUILDING <br />Included in its 2007 City Focus Goals, the Hugo City Council directed staff to form an <br />implementation task force to proceed with the design, development, and construction of a soccer <br />complex at the Rice Lake Park property. Staff has worked with Hosanna Lutheran Church for <br />more than three years and more recently over the past year and a half to assist them in finding a <br />new location for both Hosanna Lutheran Church and the Hugo Community Food Shelf. Staff has <br />informed Hosanna Lutheran Church that it has until March 31, 2008 to relocate its church <br />services to the newly remodeled Hugo Elementary School, and they have agreed. The fire <br />training exercise at the Rice Lake Park Building is an opportunity to better train and educate <br />firefighters. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the authorization for the Hugo Fire <br />Department to hold a fire training exercise at the Rice Lake Park Building on April 12, 2008. <br />APPROVE GAMBLING PERMIT FOR THE VADNAIS HEIGHTS KNIGHTS OF <br />COLUMBUS FUND-RAISING RAFFLE ON APRIL 22, 2008 AT THE HUGO <br />AMERICAN LEGION <br />Staff has received an application for a gambling permit from the Vadnais Heights Knights of <br />Columbus for a fund-raising raffle on April 22, 2008 at the Hugo American Legion. Staff has <br />reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the gambling permit for the Vadnais Heights Knights of Columbus for its <br />fund-raising raffle at the Hugo American Legion on April 22, 2008. <br />APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITY POLICY ON MINNESOTA DATA PRACTICE <br />