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2008.02.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.02.19 CC Minutes
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City Council Meeting of February 19, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />PROCEDURES <br />In 2002, the Hugo City Council adopted a City Policy on MN Data Practices Procedures. That <br />policy has remained in effect, thereby designating the City Clerk as the Data Practices <br />Compliance Official for any request of public data. Beginning with Administrative Intern Matt <br />Stemwedel in 2007 and with final work by Administrative Intern Nathan Ehalt, City staff has <br />reviewed and revised the policy to ensure conformance with Minnesota Statute as well as to <br />make it more user friendly. The proposed revisions to the City Policy on Minnesota Data <br />Practices Procedure do not change the policy but merely make it more easier to comply with <br />public requests for public data. Authorization of the Consent Agenda approved the revision to <br />the City Policy on the Minnesota Data Practices Procedures. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION AMENDING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR NOR - <br />LAKES PROPERTY <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson removed this from the Consent Agenda at the request of City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder. On December 14, 1999, the City of Hugo entered into a development <br />agreement with Nor -Lakes Holding Co, LLC, for property located at 13615 Fenway Boulevard <br />Court North in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. The agreement, among other things, required <br />Nor -Lakes to meet established wage and job goals and to guarantee the payment of tax increment <br />to the City. Nor -Lakes desires to sell the subject property to an Alabama company called 4L, <br />LLC. Since the property is in a TIF District, the development agreement needs to be reassigned <br />to the new owner to ensure that their obligations under the TIF Plan continue to be met. Council <br />directed staff to put this item on the March 3, 2008 agenda. <br />AWARD OF BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RICE LAKE SOCCER COMPLEX <br />At its January 7, 2008 meeting the Hugo City Council authorized staff to advertise for bids for <br />the construction of the new Rice Lake Park Soccer Complex. On February 13, 2008 the City <br />opened bids for the construction of the Rice Lake Park Soccer Complex. There were a total of <br />20 bidders on the project reflecting an extremely competitive bidding climate. Public Works <br />Director Chris Petree explained the project to the Council and informed the Council that the <br />engineer's estimate on the project was 1.15 million. Chris recommended Council award the bid <br />to Arnt Construction Company, Inc. with the low bid amount of $846,849.25. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to award the bid for construction of the Rice Lake Soccer <br />Complex to Arnt Construction Company, Inc., at the low bid amount of $846,849.25. <br />Voting Aye: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Voting Nay: None <br />Motion carried. <br />AWARD OF BID FOR PAINTING INTERIOR WALLS OF HUGO FIRE HALL <br />In anticipation of the 100 -year anniversary celebration of the Hugo Fire Department, the <br />Department is requesting to paint the interior walls of the office and meeting areas of the Fire <br />Hall. Fire Chief Jim Compton has secured three bids for the work to be done and recommended <br />Council award the bid to Fiddle Company with the low bid amount of $3,030. Puleo questioned <br />the reason for going out for bids versus obtaining quotes, and Granger questioned if there was <br />
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