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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 2008 <br />SREEET ASSESSMENT POLICY <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Petryk, Miron <br />ABSENT: Granger, Puleo <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Mike Ericson, Community Development Director Bryan <br />Bear, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Public Works Director Chris Petree, and Senior Engineering <br />Technician Scott Anderson <br />PRESENTATION OF STREET ASSESSMENT POLICY (CITY ENGINEER JAY <br />KENNEDY) <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a PowerPoint presentation to the Council and audience <br />explaining the proposed changes outlined in the proposed Street Assessment Policy. He stated <br />that the revised policy which was adopted by the Council in 2002, needed to be revised to reflect <br />a more fair and equitable allocation of project costs <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET ASSESSMENT POLICY <br />Mayor Miron opened the public hearing and stated that the council wanted to hear from the <br />residents. The following residents addressed the Council <br />Sherre Collins, 12115 Illies Avenue North, expressed concerns about controlling costs and paying <br />only once. <br />Terry Poirier, 10284 122nd Street North, expressed concerns about wheelage tax and had questions <br />on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for County Roads 7-8-9. <br />John Erickson, 7610 137th Street North, addressed the Council with general questions. <br />Jess Rousch, 14776 126th Street North, expressed concerns that the right-of-way was only 66 feet, <br />and the City would have to buy more. City Administrator Mike Ericson stated the ROW was 100 <br />feet as shown on the PowerPoint Presentation by Mike Rogers at the Council Meeting on February <br />4, 2008. <br />Kim Granger, 5757 147th Street North, expressed concerns about the assessment costs. <br />Tim Agness, 12136 Everton Avenue North, expressed concerns about the per unit cost versus the <br />lineal footage because he is on small lot. <br />Charlie Harwell on CSAH 8, talked about the condition of road due to truck traffic from the old <br />asphalt plant. <br />Margaret Spainhower, 8775 136th Court North, expressed concern over the amount of truck traffic <br />and wants a new road. <br />