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Bob Verstraete, 13608 Homestead Avenue North spoke about his frontage that is on Homestead and <br />not CSAH 8, and asked if he would be assess one half a unit. City Engineer Jay Kennedy confirmed <br />that he would. He also had questions on senior deferment. <br />Clyde Wagner, 8650 136th Street North, said he lives in Duck Pass, which has its cul-de-sac road <br />onto CSAH 8, and he questioned the cost for on overlay and the City's share of the overall project <br />cost. <br />Ron Sparrow, 5946 Oneka Lake Boulevard, expressed concern as a corner lot owner and would he <br />be assessed as one full unit. <br />Mayor Miron then closed the public hearing at 9:26 p.m. and invited individual homeowners from <br />the south Ethan Avenue and Hugo Elementary School neighborhoods to address Council with <br />specific questions. <br />EVERTON/ETHAN AVENUE AREA NEIGHBORHOOD DISCUSSION <br />The following residents addressed the Council: <br />Paul Kurzweg, 4720 122nd Street North, talked about the possibility of a one-way street. <br />Rick Gwynn, 12277 Ethan Avenue North, commented on the enforcement of the speed limit. <br />FOXHILL/1471H- STREET AREA NEIGHBORHOOD DISCUSSION <br />The following residents addressed the Council: <br />Steve Carroll, 5924 147th Street North, was questions because frontage on three roads. <br />Jean Woeltge, 5747 150th Street North, had general questions. <br />Lee Muellner, 5747 150th Street North, had questions on his two lots. <br />Ron Sparrow, 5946 Oneka Lake Boulevard North, had questions about the Church. <br />COUNCIL DISCUSSION <br />Mayor Miron thanked residents for their comments and directed City Engineer Jay Kennedy to make <br />revisions to the policy and provide an update at the March 3, 2008 City Council Meeting. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Haas Made motion, Petryk seconded, to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michael A. Ericson <br />City Administrator <br />