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City Council Meeting of March 3, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />DISCUSSION ON FEBRUARY 25, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED <br />STREET ASSESSMENT POLICY <br />At its January 22, 2008 meeting, the Hugo City Council scheduled Monday, February 25, 2008 <br />as a public hearing in order to take public comment on the proposed revisions to the City's Street <br />Assessment Policy. On Monday, February 25, 2008 Mayor Fran Miron opened the public <br />hearing after a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy and took comment from residents <br />on the proposed revisions to the City's Street Assessment Policy. After the hearing was closed <br />by the Mayor, Council discussed both the Hugo Elementary School neighborhood project as well <br />as the south Ethan Avenue project and took resident comment on both. City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy provided a recap of the Monday, February 25 meeting and explained the proposed <br />changes to the policy based on the public comments from the meeting. The Mayor and Council <br />made additional suggestions to better clarify the poilicy <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to table action until the next Council meeting to allow staff <br />to make additional minor changes to the policy. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON FEBRUARY 26, 2008 MEETING WITH RESIDENTS IN EASTERN <br />ONEKA LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD REGARDING MUSA <br />On February 26, 2008 a meeting was held with property owners on the east side of Oneka Lake <br />along Oneka Lake Boulevard, Harrow Avenue, and 165th Street to discuss proposed changes <br />made to the MUSA boundary as part of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan update. The meeting was <br />attended by Mayor Fran Miron, Council Member Chuck Haas, and City staff with 27 residents <br />from that area. At the meeting, the residents submitted a petition requesting their property be <br />removed from the 2030 MUSA. The Council discussed moving the proposed MUSA to remove <br />the properties on the east side of Oneka Lake and designating the areas to the north and south of <br />the Lake as a transition area with low density land use. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to direct staff to present the Council's recommendation at <br />the public hearing to be held at the Planning Commission meeting on March 6, 2008. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON RESIDENT CONERN FOR SNOW ON TRAILS IN VICTOR <br />GARDENS MARKET AREA AND ALONG FENWAY AVENUE <br />Staff received an email from a concerned resident regarding the clearing of snow on the trails <br />along CSAH 8 and Fenway Boulevard. Council recalled discussing this matter previously and <br />noted it was identified as one of the City's Focus Goals for 2008. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to direct staff to send a letter to the resident and continue <br />working on the review for the sidewalk/trail maintenance program. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />