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City Council Meeting of March 3, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />RECOMMENDATION FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO CO- <br />SPONSOR HUGO KIDZ `N BIZ FEST WITH HUGO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION <br />At its February 19, 2008 meeting, the Economic Development Authority agreed to co-sponsor, <br />the 4th annual Hugo Kidz `n Biz Fest scheduled for Sunday, April 6, 2008. As Council is <br />aware, the 2007 event attracted 800 children and 400 adults and was an overwhelming success <br />for the Hugo Business Association. For the past three years, the EDA has contributed a $500 <br />donation towards the event. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the City of Hugo co- <br />sponsor of the 2008 Kidz `n Biz Fest and include a $500 donation for the event. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR 14815 FOREST BLVD (61-1 STOP) <br />AND 5725 1481HH STREET NORTH (MARK GRANGER/KERSTEN AUTO) <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a property line adjustment for a 30,492 square foot parcel <br />located at 5725 1481h Street North (Granger's Body Shop) and an adjacent 16,117 square foot <br />parcel to the west, located at 14815 Forest Boulevard North (61 -Stop). The applicant is <br />proposing to adjust the common property line to the east 30 feet to create a 25,694 square foot <br />parcel and a 20,915 square foot parcel. At its December 27, 2007 meeting the Planning <br />Commission reviewed a CUP for the property located at 5725 148th Street N. They <br />recommended approval of the application to the City Council, although they had concerns about <br />the property line between 61 Stop and Grangers Body Shop. The reason for the concern was that <br />Premier Bank is located within 61 Stop and their drive through over -hang extends over the <br />property line on to the Granger Body Shop parcel. The Planning Commission then recommended <br />to Mark Granger that he apply for a property line adjustment to clean up the boundary between <br />the sites. Staff finds that both properties will conform to the City's minimum lot requirements <br />after the relocation of the common property line. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />Resolution 2008-7 APPROVING A PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR MARK <br />GRANGER FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 5725 148TH STREET NORTH AND 14815 <br />FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH. <br />ANNUAL PRESENTATION OF STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN <br />(SWPPP) — PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CHRIS PETREE AND SENIOR <br />ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SCOTT ANDERSON <br />Each year, the City is required to hold a public hearing in order to take pubic comment on the <br />City's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as part of the City's MS4 NPDES permit <br />to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The City scheduled a public hearing for Monday, <br />March 3, 2008 at Hugo City Hall, to present and discuss the Storm Water Pollution Prevention <br />Plan (SWPPP). PW Director Chris Petree presented a PointPoint to the Council outlining City <br />activities as a result of implementing the SWPPP. Senior Engineer Technician Scott Anderson <br />was in attendance to answer any technical questions. Chris explained the Minimum Control <br />Measures (MCM's) and the Best Management Practices (BMP's) used by the City. Mayor Miron <br />open the public hearing to take public comment on the City's SWPPP. Doug Youel, 4749 122nd <br />Street North, presented a letter from his wife Janet who was not able to attend the meeting. In <br />the letter, she had questions about street sweeping and the recycling of storm water, which were <br />answered by Chris Petree. No formal action was taken. <br />