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City Council Meeting of April 7, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING <br />WAGNER CONDEMNATION <br />Staff requests that the council authorize the signing of the enclosed resolution which authorizes <br />signature of the development agreement between the City of Hugo and Wagner Greenhouses. <br />This development agreement is the same as that earlier approved by the City Council (wherein <br />the City agrees to provide some ponding opportunities to Wagner subject to payment by Wagner <br />of the customary and usual fees) except that it deletes the obligation of the City to interpret its <br />shoreland ordinance in a way which would ensure developability of shoreland buffer areas. The <br />eminent domain action brought by Washington County is ended and Wagner's are to be paid the <br />amounts awarded by the condemnation commissioners for the right-of-way acquisition related to <br />the CSAH 8/14 project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-10 <br />AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />IN THE MATTER OF CITY OF HUGO AND WAGNER PARTNERS, L.L.L.P. <br />APPROVAL OF FEMA GRANT APPLICATION FOR 2008-2009 <br />As part of the Hugo Fire Department goals for 2008 presented to Council in February of this <br />year, the Hugo Fire department is requesting approval to submit the 2008-2009 Federal <br />Emergency Management Fire Grant Application. The grant is for installation of a backup power <br />generator for the fire station. The grant would provide 95 % of the needed funding to install the <br />backup generator. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved submittal of the FEMA Grant <br />Application for the funding of a backup power generator for the Hugo Fire Department. <br />APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR <br />HUGO AUXILIARY UNIT 620 (AMERICAN LEGION) <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson added this item to the Consent Agenda on behalf of the <br />American Legion. City of Hugo has received an application for a charitable gambling license for <br />the Hugo Auxiliary Unit 620 at 5383 140th Street North (Hugo American Legion). Staff has <br />reviewed the application and finds it to be satisfactory. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the charitable gambling license for the Hugo Auxiliary Unit 620 at 5383 140th Street <br />North. <br />DISCUSSION ON MN DOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FUNDING FOR TH61 <br />AND 1301H- STREET AND TH61 AND 1471H- STREET INTERSECTION <br />IMPROVEMENTS <br />At its March 17, 2008 meeting, Hugo City Council listened to a brief presentation from City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy who announced that he had just received notification from the MN <br />Department of Transportation that the City had indeed received state funding for intersection <br />improvements at TH61 and 130th Street and TH61 and 147th Street respectively. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy presented Council with additional information regarding the MN DOT cooperative <br />agreement funding for the intersection improvements. He informed the Council the funding <br />would include $421,000 for turn lanes at TH61 and 130th Street, with the total project cost being <br />$850,000, and $422,280 for turn lanes at TH61 and 147th Street, with the total project cost being <br />$1,132,000. The funding for 147th Street did not include the traffic signal, and an additional <br />$521,000 would be requested from MN Department of Transportation. The City would need to <br />