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MINUTES FOR THE EMERGENCY PRESS CONFERENCE, CITY OF HUGO, <br />MONDAY, MAY 26, 2008, AT 7:00 P.M. <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Miron. <br />PRESENT: Council Members Puleo and Haas, Mayor Miron, City Administrator Ericson, <br />David Snyder, Bryan Bear, Sheriff Hutton and emergency management personnel, and members <br />of the public and media. <br />1.) A prayer by the Chaplain was offered <br />2.) Mayor Miron Reviewed the days' events <br />a. Visits had been made by the Governor, Senator Klobuchar and other <br />elected officials. Helicopter inspections were made. <br />3.) The Governor commented favorably about performance of citizens in <br />dealing with the disaster. <br />4.) Mayor Miron thanked the press for being sensitive when dealing with <br />residents <br />5.) Sheriff Hutton reported on casualties: <br />a. 30 were treated <br />b. 17 were transported <br />c. 1 fatality <br />d. The identity is not being released <br />6.) Mayor Miron thanked the sheriff and the school <br />7.) Ted Blaesing reviewed school transportation issues <br />a. Classes to be held as scheduled <br />b. Drop off is permitted <br />8.) The Red Cross Station will be relocated Tuesday a.m. from the school to <br />the Fire Hall at 140th and Fenway <br />a. Food will be provided <br />b. Will provide stress debriefing services <br />9.) The status of lost and damaged homes was recounted by the Mayor <br />a. All houses have been checked, there are 50 homes lost <br />b. 75 homes with 50% loss <br />c. 84 homes with 25% loss <br />d. 61 homes with no damage <br />e. Approximately 25 million in damage to personal property <br />