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Residents were questioning where they can get service for debris removal. East side <br />residents can bring debris curbside and ditchside. <br />The map would be put on website. <br />September 20 would be the City wide fall clean up. <br />Mayor would review county policy on tornado siren alarm sounding Deb Paige from <br />Washington County <br />Prindle family would be discussion housing options with Molly O'Rourke from <br />Washington County. <br />A staff and command meeting was scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in Oneka Room at City Hall <br />following the 3:00 p.m. press conderence. <br />A neighborhood meeting was scheduled for this evening at Oneka Elementary School at <br />7:30 p.m. <br />Maggie Aitkens and Molly O'Rourke from Washington County talked about updating <br />the website with information for citizens, media, and contractors. <br />City staff member Nate Ehalt and Mayor Fran Miron talked about the many volunteer. <br />Wilson Tool offered to shuttle traffic to and from site 7:00 — 5:00 p.m. <br />USPS Postmater had informed the City they would not delivery mail until next week. <br />